Newest Cooper

Newest Cooper

Tuesday, November 30, 2010


OK,l the challenge is the first thing on my mind and that is cleansing. Let us cleans our bodies and our minds. That is what I am doing.......It is not easy. Good night

Monday, November 29, 2010


The month is almost over and this next month has totally changed for me with one text message. I will not be going to Louisiana to shoot a movie. It has been pushed into the future. This is the name of the movie game.
Cold Cold weather here and many places. Too cold to take the puppy in the car and have him sit in there for an hour. Oh Well.
Now into creativity. Now into the challenge, as I had physical therapy today which is energy work we found my energy to be quite plugged up. I knew it. I have been struggling with many issues and I hold them in my body. I am going to make a map of my body and allow my creativity to show me where my energy is stuck and why. This is your challenge today. You may be having an ache or pain that is new or nagging and by acknowledging it it could actually move the energy or the stop the pain. Holding Holding Holding. Human Beings do this a lot. We don't share what is on our minds, well, I don't anyway. I just keep holding it in. My body map is coming up right after I send this off into the web vapors. Poof!!

Sunday, November 28, 2010


The challenge today is to listen to your soul. Listen to what you came here for. This may not be an easy task. So I want this to be a long term goal. What is a soul anyway. How do you get in touch with it? How do you listen? Did you loose contact with that little creature that came here for a reason? Do you believe you are here to be something or do something?
A soul mate. Do you believe in that? Maybe you see people you think you have known before or you connect on a level you never thought possible. Just take a look at all of this. Maybe you don't believe in having a soul. Maybe you have another idea of your living presents on earth. I want to know what you think. Please write me a comment on these thoughts.

Saturday, November 27, 2010


The challenge today is to ask yourself, do you think any of this is real?

Friday, November 26, 2010


Were you a crazy shopper today on this Black Friday. Don't know why they call it Black. But I had to work very early and nobody knew our store was even open.
Is it time to create your Holiday look?

I have designed a few things I am sure I won''t be able to do. One is a Tree hanging upside down from the ceiling. I just love thinking out of the box. The challenge today is to take a look at how you create for your family? You can just create for yourself. I really like using recyclable items. And the tree having lights but then maybe just a t shirt ripped into little pieces and tied on the tree then you just recycle the whole tree without taking the t shirts pieces off. Of course you take the lights off. I am going to use the thought of light as my main decorating idea.

Thursday, November 25, 2010


What can be said for today. The gratefulness is the focus of the day. I could say cooking is the focus of the day. Then the eating will be only a few minutes. It doesn't take much time to eat everything. All the preparation and moments to eat. I am grateful.
The challenge today is to be grateful for oneself on this day of gratitude. When one is grateful for self one can be grateful for others. Good luck tomorrow on your shopping or your sleeping or your work.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010


The challenge I am presenting to you today is to take a look if there is something in your life that you think your life depends on it? Like making peace, like being a pleaser, or staying married, or keeping a job you hate? Maybe it is being safe or being a bully? I just want you to take a look and listen to your inner voice. Sometimes it is around food. I have to control what I eat. I have to control something to be safe on this planet.
Creating can have issues of control around them or if I don't create I will just die!!
Let there not be judgment around this inquiry, it is just a inquiry.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010


Woke up at 5:00 am looked outside and it was so beautiful. I really loved the snow. I usually choose to not even like it because of years of traveling over passes with very dangerous conditions. But you know what, I had a choice. And I chose to love it. I even drove in it. It was an adventure.
The morning was full of making choices of feeling good and not falling into old patterns. The first thing I did while I was making my coffee, I took things off the shelves in the kitchen so I would have to clean the shelves. That is a trick I do. Throw things on the floor out of the closet or of drawers, then I have to pick them up. I love that little trick. I do that with creativity also. I get the project out and it covers the counter top and I have to clear it off. So I have to work on the project.
The challenge that I want to put out there has to do with creating by choices that you make. The choice to procrastinate or to jump in and get started. Another choice is to simply go forward. Do you believe their are mistakes? I have heard that there aren't mistakes. Also failure, do you believe in failure or could their not be any failure. Because how do you move or take risks if you don't fail. But it is only a judgment that it is failure. Good, bad, success, failure. Those are labels that we created. How do you see them? Have a great evening and getting ready to give thanks. Let us give thanks now!

Monday, November 22, 2010


Cooper got his first bath. And I hired a friend of mine that is a dog groomer. I want him to get used to getting groomed by someone else first. HA She gave me a really good deal. No hair cut yet. And I have just gotten the cleaning bug. I mean the holidays are coming and the family will gather.
The challenge that I am feeling today is the holidays and creativity. I would really like to change the whole house to a beautiful white, off white Christmas feel and have light everywhere. This in my mind costs money. I may try to figure out a way to get the feel of joy with the white light in the house without spending money. Give me ideas if you have any. White netting sounds like a really great idea. Creativity and the holidays are just as ONE. Start to get ready for the giving of thanks first. Peace out.....l i n d a

Sunday, November 21, 2010


This morning started with my usual meditation, hot tub and then off to sing in the choir. Then straight to the set run lines while getting into wardrobe. I just stayed in the moment. I didn't worry about being later that the casting call (I told them I had the choir engagement). It was a very creative fun morning.
Now I am listening to the American Music Awards, I love music and some of the people I am enjoying I am surprised at. And then I think of performing in front of all of your peers. I have been there and done that. Sometimes I loved it sometimes I was fearful and left my body. Played that Rock n Roll and still love it. It has influenced my life in many ways. The way I dress is one that I know of. I still have a little rocker style in me.
How about you? A challenge I am throwing at you is to see what has influenced you in you art, the way you dress, the way you see yourself? Then I have to ask myself when do I give that look up, or that feel. Or do I ever have too. Age appropriate dressing. I don't know if that will be in my vocabulary. I don't wear mid bearing shirts or anything as repulsive as that but I love my leggings, my boots, my studs etc. Rock ON!!!!!

Saturday, November 20, 2010


The day started off with a headache and a neck ache.m And it took a long time to get rid of it. But then the creativity hit me. I have 4 or 5 projects on the kitchen counter. Christmas card. Organic multi media painting with texture.
Christmas surprises too. It has been a great creative day.
My challenge for today is to take a look at what you are going to do for your close friends and family for the holidays. I have decided to buy from friends that are artists and create my artwork for others. It is a creative holiday. What about a Christmas tree hung from the ceiling. With all the decorations hanging down because of gravity. I love it. Flower arrangements and wreaths hanging down.
A picture frame from lace. Just really get out of the box. Yeah!!!!!

Friday, November 19, 2010


The challenge today is to just make it through the day. How does that sound how my day is going? Some day's just get stacked up in a way that you would rather stay in bed with the covers over your head. I would do that but I can't. I have a puppy to take care of. It really isn't that bad. It is also a full moon so keep that in mind too. Find the love inside and stay grounded.

Thursday, November 18, 2010


I have to find something to write about. I want to talk about right now. Is there anything wrong right now? I mean really our minds can make something up crap all the time. Really being in the moment. Feeling our skin, relaxing our neck, our shoulders and feeling our feet on the ground. All of this can stop the voice in your head.
The challenge for you is to really live in the moment. Really ask yourself is there anything wrong right now? Even if you aren't creating, maybe something is perking inside. Living in the moment you are collecting little bits and pieces that will turn into a creation. If you owe money, you are still OK right in this moment. If you are constantly worrying about the money you are creating more of the same. Create peace in the now. Create calm as there isn't anything wrong right now.!!!

Wednesday, November 17, 2010


Better get my blog done before it gets dark. Oops to late. It isn't even 4:00pm yet and all the outdoor lights are on. Oh, well.
Today was filled with little piles of things getting cleaned up. Then I noticed some of my inner negative talk was cleaned up. I better clean up some more. Like live in a completely white sterile room. I did create a lighting fixture.
Oprah was interesting today. With a healer in Brazil and how did people feel after they have been there and even if they were skeptics.
What I got from it was energy. I have talked about energy in my blogs before and it really is interesting to hear it on national TV.
The challenge today is to have all of us take a look and realize what we believe to be reality. What we think about faith? Do you believe you are more than meets the eye? All I know for sure is I don't have to beat myself up. That doesn't do anybody, anything any good. It doesn't help the the flow of creativity. Let the flow go.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010


I am very nostalgic this afternoon. I met with an old friend that I haven't seen or talked to in years and that was a pleasure. Some nostalgia there, then Oprah had Barbara Streisand and Robert Redford on. I had no idea those films touched me so deeply. Maybe I want to see some of them again. What else is going on in my world. Hearing about creative lives and how they go along, with raising a family and paying the bills and then one day you wake up and you have lost your youth and your passions or dreams aren't there. Where did they go? I have written about my disappointments in the Acting Business, and that is just as it is in many of the Arts. How do we know what is next? How do we get a spark going again? Find something that gives us a reason to live a reason to love and a reason to create.
The challenge that I am giving you today is to fall into the void. Instead of pushing forward or feeling full. What about the vulnerability of not knowing. The void of nothing that is a really new feeling when you have a passion, when you have a dream. The void can be expansive and not a dark hole. See what your void feels like?
All I know is right now feeling nostalgic I really wish I could take a hot bath, start a fire in the fireplace and put flannel cozy clothes on and simply cuddle up. Maybe even watch a movie that would make me cry (some more)! Well, I don't have a fireplace that I can build a fire. I can go out in the hot tub and dress in cozy flannel. Being quiet and not pushing sounds good. Just Being!

Monday, November 15, 2010


Funny, I just realized the date is always at the bottom of my computer. Dah!! Oh well, live and learn. At work I look at the date and time on the computer but not at home.
I have many things I am doing and many things I am not doing. I had a big scare with my sister and her health. I heard after the events, but the images were very vivid in my mind. All the details. The part I realized this morning is I took it personally without really putting myself in her shoes. She must have been so frightened. Then you worry about others in your life and how are you going to take care of them. If my dear sister reads this my first concern is your loving being taking care of itself. Not worrying about anyone else, and don't worry about yourself, just love yourself as you were put on this planet for a reason and that is about love. Love for yourself needs to be the first concern so you can love others. I need to take that advice. I love you dearly. You are maybe the only person that I felt loved me unconditionally. I didn't have to do anything special or be different than what I was for you to love me. And I still hold that very dear to my heart.
Funny as it may seem I was going to make today's challenge about love. It is really taking a look at what you have made up about love. Does love have conditions? What about romantic love, does that have a fairy tale look, mine does. Love for your children or animals or even your plants, are they unconditional or have expectations put upon them? What does this have to do with having a safe place to create. Everything!! The best thing about exploring these questions is that images come up, emotions come up, colors, anger, love, sadness. These are places you can create from. What does love look like.? What does lack of love look like? What does the magical love look like and the love that happens around money, stress, everyday living? My mind is overwhelmed with the confusion of what I thought love would be and what it may be. This started at a very early age. One thing I know for sure I would love to have everyone love themselves unconditionally. And I can tell you right now, I don't. I am working on it

Sunday, November 14, 2010


I want to first give appreciation for the computer. I mean for gosh sake, I got to get an email from my sister after she had a very scary experience. I got to have a skype experience with my husband, my son and 3 of his friends that stayed over night. Cooper, my new puppy and myself. What fun is that. My sister creates on her computer. My husband sends pictures of his work if he is out of town. I hear most people complain about this unusual creative creation. When I was in my 20's and 30's never got the chance to experience such a creation. We may be a little greedy when we think of what it should do. There is the Should word. Nobody, nothing Should have to do anything.
A challenge is to take a look at your appreciation. I mean really. Appreciation for things you may get frustrated at. How fast is this technology?

Saturday, November 13, 2010


Oh, my gosh, this year is coming to a close and I have done this every day so far of 2010. That means I can commit to other things that I choose and do it every day. That feels really good that I have made a commitment to who? To myself only! And I am doing it. I haven't done it all yet because I have till January 1st until the total commitment is done. And so far I am excited about this new possibility of commitment in my life. I do apologize for not proof reading my blogs. I sometimes don't have the time...but I am committed.
The challenge today for my creative set is to take a look at your commitment. I ave listened to writers that write every day eve thought they think it maybe crap. And I have done that before in LA. Before I walked out my door I would pick up my guitar and write a lyric. And I have to say it worked. I got many tunes from that. What I did with them is a different story.
Let us take the challenge into a positive commitment. It is fun. It is structure. It is spiritual commitment, it is change commitment. IT is love. let us just put it that way.....!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Friday, November 12, 2010


Later than I expected to write my blo9, but I had better get it done or it won't even happen. I had such a great dreamland night or morning and then woke up feeling very scared. A fright that I have known most of my life. My body is holding that energy and I had to release it or barely move. I explored and entered the pain instead of trying to get away from it. I ended up felling pretty darn good. Under all of the pain is the love.
The challenge today is to really ask yourself how much you love yourself? How much do you love yourself when you fail? When you get angry? When you make a mistake? This is not ego love, it is like nature love, unconditional. Then not hide it from anyone. Use it as your way to live. Are you brave enough to let people really see you, and know your work? Your body of work. Good night!

Thursday, November 11, 2010


OK. I have had a learning day. A good day. A day to stay focused on what is important, which is things you love, people, puppies and yourself. Got to do a couple things for myself that I haven't given me that time for a while.
The challenge is that of self care today. Do you believe that your body is your temple? Do you abuse your body with stress, lack of sleep, too much food, or not enough nutrition? In these days and times it is really hard to find a balance in anything. You are working, your not working, you have money, you don't have money, you are creating, you are not. With the darkness in the air, taking a little special care for yourself may fill you up with creating a love for yourself, which will create love for more that yourself. You have to start somewhere. More creating with light in my future. What creativity is in your loving future? Do something good for yourself, even if it is a hot shower, or reading a book you have been wanting to get into, or a magazine that has been sitting there. That is creative stimulation for you.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010


Here we go. I stayed awake last night for a while thinking about truth. And it was blatant that I have hidden from the truth on many issues and it can be very daunting to think about. The truth of my being was taken away from me at a very young age and I created a false self that I thought was safe. It was not built on the truth, or any truth. Me being allowed to say my truth wasn't ok either. That is what was a springboard for this blog. A safe place to create. Now I have even more to look at. I know that I have stopped myself in the creative space because I didn't want people to know I thought that or it wouldn't be appropriate or it could hurt someone. Creativity is what is going on with you. It is your truth. There isn't a right or wrong.
The challenge for everyone today is to see if they are telling the truth. The truth in your creations, the truth in your relationships, the truth in your work. It is Big stuff.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010


What shall I talk about today? Well, this morning it didn't really seem like morning and I didn't feel so so good. Kind of a headache, neck ache and mind ache. The puppy slept in the bedroom in his playpen. Now I know what the dog does at night. Sleeps, who knew. He woke up once and went poo in his plastic poo place that was also in the playpen. Enough about the dog.
Challenge of the day is to take a gloomy day into a sunny day. You may be in a place that is a sunny day. The northwest isn't sunny today. It is quite cold also.
I allowed the sound of the rain to relax me, It made me not having to jump up and down. I need to jump up and down and get the exercise but I am allowing the weather to make me happy as it is. Not as what it isn't . That seems healthier. I am still working on my picture I started yesterday. I have 2 movies I have been cast in and I am working on the scripts for those. I have created a safe place to create. Thank you God.

Monday, November 8, 2010


I had better come up with something fast, huh? Well, I thought this morning after quite a restless night of attempting to sleep in random beds, from my studio to the Cabin Room. Now I could go to bed and stay all day into the night but I have a puppy to entertain and then I do go to work also. I thought I was going to take the day off from creating. To my surprise I actually started my picture I have had in mind. It will be a layer of colors so I got the first color on and I will put painting tape on to get the next color a very straight line. Love it.
The challenge is to give yourself a day off from everything. Can you do that? It actually made me more inspired to know I didn't have to do anything. Take a look at this for yourself. Taking a whole day off to do nothing. Love it...

Sunday, November 7, 2010


It is a fair fair Sunday. I got up and got the dog ready to go to the spiritual center with me. My friend never showed. So I took the dog to White House/Black Market the store I work at for all the girls to see. He went crazy over all of them goggling over him. He jumped off a girls shoulders, I am glad I had the leash on him and he didn't hit the floor full force. He is daring!! I took him to a fun Dog store and he made friends with a girl dog. They just barked at each other, it was fun. I got his a couple new things. Spoiled you see.
Creativity today. I went to the store to get some Christmas Lights for my light features. They seemed to be prized a little to high for me right now. I can't wait until after Christmas cuz then I can't see them for Christmas.
The challenge today is to take a look at your willingness to invest in yourself. Letting go of the dollar to create. I guess I need to take a look at this issue.

Saturday, November 6, 2010


Saturday and catching up on a few different projects. Got the painted baskeballs out in the yard. There are pictures on the side. I have 2 different designs. One was mine and my husband wanted them dispersed farther apart and it works. You can vote. Mine were the close to the chairs one and his is the farther from the chair. I like both. I am also making a new light fixture, maybe I will sell this one. Want to buy it?
The challenge is to see where you think strange is, or maybe cluttering, or is it art. Is there a difference? When you create, you create. I am having a fun day.. Thanks hope you are.

Friday, November 5, 2010


Good Day my Friends!! Had a puppy that didn't feel so good this morning, I could feel his energy not flowing. I decided the best thing to do was just hold him for a while and send him lots of love. Then I thought of the Gator we have for him and shot some in his mouth and before you know it he was eating and now he is chewing. And Cooper not chewing you know something is wrong. No worries he is chewing now. Yeah!!
I had a fantastic Japanese dinner last night with a really dear friend. The place was called MIO and wow, I want to take my hubby there. Maybe plan a Date Night! My friend and I talked about creativity as she is an artist also. She is looking for a new medium. How exciting.
My challenge to you is to take a look at some different mediums and see what you may want to try. Something new! Maybe even doing research on a medium can gring new ideas in another area. It is like golfing and that helps your painting. It is a movement that makes the difference. Let's keep moving!

Thursday, November 4, 2010


It is the fourth of the month of November already. That isn't so much now is it. I have been listening to my dreams and/or the ideas I hear early in the morning and see how it develops through the day. One thing I came up with was a drawer design. Meaning cleaning out a junk drawer and making it a place for our lists, coupons, our glasses and things that may be on the counter. I was eliminating 2 or 3 piles on the counter top to put those items in the drawer. I love it. But it just came to me, I wasn't looking for that creation. HA> That has nothing to do with the challenge today though.
The challenge is to see what you defines yourself as. Are you your age? Your work? Your art? Do others opinions define who you are? Do your children or even your animals define who you think you are? What about owning your life, you are your own self. Yeah!! I know I have many things to work on in this area.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010


Today has been another beautiful day, they say the rain is coming but it has been raining sunshine. I do have to admit the sunshine contributes to my creativity. We have still been doing things outside. I also have been exercising a little and it has been energy spreading, energy moving.
The challenge today is to look at yourself and how your energy is flowing or not flowing. The exercise key? What about seeing what kind of exercise may fit into your creative life. I forgot how bouncing on a trampoline can move energy and help my heart. I have been exercise free for years. I try but I have done it for so many years I just don't want to spend that time, I say I don't have the energy, I have any and every excuse in the world. I have bought the Wii to see if that world work. That only got me to exercise maybe 10 times. I have already jumped 3 days in a row. I like the calming effect it has on me. My insides are a little shook up though. It is OK. I could see the energy splashing out.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010


What do I want to talk about today. Or would it be what do I want to blog about today. I had a realization last night and it woke me up early this morning very early and I couldn't go back to sleep. It was about the idea that each one of us is a very important element of this time right now. I found a song that I said, "If you weren't here there would be a hole in the atmosphere."
The challenge to day is to see how you feel about your importance of being here in this time of the world. I want to write a book titled, YOUR LIFE IS IMPORTANT.
This doesn't mean you are important like ego important, what your energy does here on Earth is important. It needs to be here now. Even if you are depressed, you are insane, you are ill, you are hiding who you are. It is all relevant to the BIGGER PICTURE. I got that at 4:00am. I want to keep some of that with me forever. I think sometimes we get so caught up in the little everyday things that happen we forget that we touch many lives, we are an energy that contacts with other energy's and make a reaction. Even if it is someone in the grocery store. A pet, a tree, your house. IT is all connected by the energy factor. Have a great important, unimportant day.

Monday, November 1, 2010


Let their be Light!! We have had a very warm day, November first and it is 70. How outstanding is that? That really made for a great day to Create. I went outside and painted some basket balls that are now yard art. They were out there already but I have been planning on painting them. And today is the day.
I took an adventure out to my studio this evening and simply wanted to see what was there. Hadn't been in there for a while. It made me cry. I had so many projects started. Songs, pictures, children s books, cards and much more.
I was told the other day that I was came here to create even if I destroyed my creations. I don't know why I am not enthusiastic about all the creations I have been given and am still being given. I try and push them all down. I don't want to do that. I feel like I am going to explode.
My challenge to you is to take a look at your body of work. Maybe it isn't even finished. Maybe it is hidden, Maybe you are scared to show people. Maybe you are an ego maniac and no one deserves your genius. Whatever it is look at your creations as a body of work.
Wow ....I like about you?