Newest Cooper

Newest Cooper

Friday, December 31, 2010


Last day of the Year I am so excited. It is like Santa or God is coming to town to visit me and all of us. I am not sure why this is happening but I am not going to complain.
This eve challenge is only of love, caring and believing in yourself and others. This was 365 days of my blog. And I challenge everyone and all to challenge themselves to a commitment. How does that sound? I love it..... I don't know what next years blog will be. Probably just the way it is right now.......but I am open for something new. I can change in the middle of the year if I choose. This blog has given me more creative power. Reclaiming your power is what I was thinking of writing about. What do you think. The best year ever to you all. Love from me.

Thursday, December 30, 2010


Live your best life. That is an Oprah saying. The challenge today is to ask yourself if you had a TV show what would your show be? What would you like to share with the world? I think this is something that could actually give you some guidance to what you may want to do next. Being who you are is the best you can be. Oprah's new network could be amazing. I love some of the shows that she is giving us. Master Class, every person has something to give from their lives. I love that. Maybe that is what your show would be about. What could you teach someone? When you learn, teach. When you get, give. I love the many quotes I am hearing today.
How are you going to end out the year? I love that one too. I just fell into my old pattern, a tired pattern etc. And I am just stopping it now because I am more than that old stuff I believed that isn't even true. I made it up. Think about it. We make up many things in our lives. Our relationships are made up in our minds. Remake a relationship. I am.

Wednesday, December 29, 2010


I am wondering what I want to talk about today. What shall I challenge you with and what shall I challenge myself with? I am not sure right now. I have it. I have a bunch of questions that I am asking myself and others. Here is your Challenge for you and your partners.
1. If you had no worries about money what would you do? Make a list.
2. What if you didn't use money as an excuse?
3.What are your biggest fears right now?
4. Are there any regrets in your life?
5. Are their any grudges, resentments or misconceptions?
6. What about expectations?
7. Do you believe in Miracles, Magic and Magnificence?
8. What are your wishes, hopes, wants?
8a. Do you believe you deserve all of these great things?
9. What would you tell your younger self with what you know now?
10. What is your intentions for the new year?
11. Do you want to laugh more? Not take things so seriously?

These are just some things to look at, not that there has to be resolutions.

Tuesday, December 28, 2010


Physical therapy day. This is energy therapy and I got a blast today. A wonderful blast of energy that has been stuck for maybe all my life starting at 3. I felt an explosion of light and I wrote a little bit about the experience. I think I will turn it into a song someday.
The light I'd been hiding was excuberant
It shot out of me to kiss a polar bear
To tell him it's OK cuz I'm here.
I flared and saw many dancing.
It was filled with tears and they weren't even fancy.
I flew with an eagle and we were all one.
Now this kind of trip is pretty fun.

I have the power
to allow this light to shower
It is big, It is mine and connects to everything and everyone

I have the power
to allow my light to shine
I will never put it away
I won't allow it to be buried in fear.

When you inprison your soul cuz you
believe it wasn't safe to be the magnificent you, you were meant to be
My sadness now is very clear.

This is just the first draft but this was some of the experience that I had. I am really focusing on a new wave of the new year. There is an opening. A goodness behind the things that scare us.
There is goodness behind the media, the government, the everything we hear. Let us trust in the Goodness that is always there. I am. Let your light shine and that is my challenge to you.

I do apologize for the grammer and the spelling, it has actually gotten worse. I don't have spell check on this blog for some reason. Hopefully you can get the drift of it all. Bless you and your light. And please let it shine.

Monday, December 27, 2010


Looking forward to the New Year. What do I want in that new year? I don't believe in resolutions but I do believe in commitments. Like this blog was a daily commitment. I thought of wanting to write a book next year. A little everyday. Don't know what the book will be about. I also want to publish my Christmas Song. Don't know how to do that and the song needs a bridge. I wanted to work on this blog and maybe make a book out of it, with the challenge everyday, of course it would need editing and I am sure I repeated challenges since there were 365 of them. I want to remember the magnificent creature that I am and not abuse it. I want to respect my health a little more. I definately want to love more. Accept more. Allow others to be who they are and not have it effect me. Not worry so much, not stress out over things that I have no control over. Take more risks. Not sit and watch HGTV so much. Pick and choose the shows that I want to see. I would like to not make little piles all over the house and put things away a little mre. I am not asking for much am I. The other thing is to live in the moment a little more and not live in old beliefs or old habits.
This morning Ithought of letting go and I thought, Not Again. Well, we have to do things over and over and over. We breathe, we eat, we sleep, we clean up, we have to do everything over and over and over, it is just the way this world works. so Letting Go of old ways have to be done over and over too. So no need to get disappointed that you have to do it as a practice. That is what any practice can keep you focused on the positive, the good, the movement forward. I must have had a great night of sleep and some time to allow my new year thoughts to come to me.
The challenge for the last Monday in 1210 is to give yourself some time to allow next years desires, wants an inpirations to come to you. Take a bubble bath, go for a walk, do a meditation. Whatever floats your creativity and you feel relaxed enough to have things come to you, not force it on yourself. I think that is why resolutions don't work. You are forcing them from the outside in. Have your new year come from the inside out. Your heart, your emotions, your crazy ideas, your desires and even your wants. Wanting to feel better or have more energy is not a selfish want, want, want. It will give your friends and family a better you.
Oh, Yeah, I want to laught a whole lot more. I take things way to seriously. How about you?

Sunday, December 26, 2010


The challenge is to ask yourself if you have rituals that are daily? Do you want to do that for the next year? I do. I bought a book that has a daily focus that I am going to start on the first. It is what I wanted to do in this blog. I wanted to give myself and others a daily thought. A daily challenge. And that is what this whole Blog has been about. Learning to create a safe atmosphere to create. Hope that is what you have been given, or what you have gotten. Now what is up for next year. don't know yet.

Saturday, December 25, 2010


This has been such a glorious day of over eating, opening presents, sharing and watching movies. Oh, I forgot the naps. We are still taking them. And one more big meal to come. Yeah!! Cooper is having a blast and has actually been quite considerate for a little guy. The joy and spirit of Christmas has been upon us and I couldn't sleep very well last night, I was waiting for Santa.
Let us look at any challenges we may have had to day, or are still having. The food, I feel very very full and am overeating. And am trying not to let it get to me. Sometimes someone may raise their voice in a little frustration or say something you don't agree with. Maybe you are tired with too many obligations. What ever it is. This last meal I a test. I have sticky notes on the pans. That is how ya do it. I will be sad to take down the tree. I love the upside down expereince. Once in a life time tree as I used all natural items I found outside. Next year it will be different. Hope you are filled with love and food.

Friday, December 24, 2010


Am I ready to start the process of cooking our eve's dinner. I think I had better get started. Got lots of presents wrapped. More than we thought we would have this year. IT is a good thing. Santa is on his way. I just wonder how far away he is right now. Hope we will get lots of sleep before he comes. I will have to cook a whole other meal tomorrow too. What fun.
The challenge for this Eve of a Holiday is to keep your spirits bright. I had a moment that I was feeling not so great. But I am back in the spirit. Yeah!! Merry Christmas to all and to all a Great night. Hope you are with friends and/or family. I am...... Coopers first Christmas!!

Thursday, December 23, 2010


This is the season for good joy. Do you find yourself singing Christmas tunes or do you find yourself say Bah Humbug? That is the challenge today. Do you get angry with the crouds or help a person out that might have their hands full? Long days of work and catching up to have a family holiday and singing as I do it. Merry Life to you all, even if you don't do the Christmas thing. There is always something to celebrate.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010


Yes, we have no water, no water tonight. Just got home from work and tried to wash my hands and the water isn't working. Thank God for husbands. And one that is around. Also thank God for friends. Even when they haven't been feeling very well, all we ever want is for them to be better. I think she is better. I am better too.
The challenge for today is to deal with the little things in life and ask yourself how does that work for you? Do you take it on as a victim? Sometimes I do. Do you know that is just a little burp and tomorrow will be better? Sometimes I do. Maybe it is the Sometimes I do that we can hold onto and know we are alive. Sometimes I do that too. Getting ready for family and holidays. Thanks to you all.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010


Shopping, shopping, shopping. We almost have all of the food for the first holiday. The eve and the day. Not quite done with the other shopping though.
Maybe another trip to Costco, HA.
The creative challenge today is to ask yourself and see if you have done a good job giving this year. Not just in the season of giving but the whole year? Have you given your art away? Have you thought of others on their special days? I know that I have to work on these things. I really want to feel the selflessness that can come from giving. Simple Kindness I do almost every time I am out. Helping someone in a store or parking lot, etc. My hubby and son are good about that also.
I am not dizzy today. So thanks for caring. Have a great evening.

Monday, December 20, 2010


Another dizzy day. I was supposed to work but that didn't happen. I feel a little better now but it still hasn't gone. I am so tired of having this little thing happen. So on the creative challenge today I will have to dig deep.
Next year is coming and I have the challenge of the year to come. So what are you looking at for next year? Maybe it is time to make a little list of things you would like to have manifest in the 2011. I am excited about the number. I liked 2010 and now I am liking 2011. It is the year to make things happen. That is what my motto is going to be I think. I think rekindling love would be on my list. Then make a list of things you don't want to drag into the new year. It is your choice you know!!

Sunday, December 19, 2010


I drew my Christmas cards and made them but I haven't sent them out yet. Better get them out tomorrow. I have so many things to do and I have run out of time. Cooper doesn't feel good today and that worries me.
I have been singing for 2 days. And last night my song went over really really well. I finally got it right. It was a song that I wrote for my son about Christmas and the spirit of it. Last year when I sang it I wasn't very confident. Something has happened inside a little. Some OKness that isn't there all the time. Allowing me to be me and express myself and actually look at it as a gift.
The challenge is to ask yourself if you believe you have been given gifts. The gifts that flow through us, that are given to us. I don't write lyrics I am given them. This is the little gift that has opened up inside me. I always knew it but not I feel a joyfull responsibilty to share it. And I don't have to have fear around the sharing. I can let my little light shine and enjoy others and enjoy myself. Wow. Maybe Cooper is feeling better already. I know I am. Happy Holidays.

Saturday, December 18, 2010


Ok. Singing today. I think I am excited. I am excited that my son and his friend are here and shopping is very clear. I have some creative christmas presents to make. So todays challenge is to see if you have some last minute creative ideas that you are ready to do. We still have a week, but I had better get it together. Have a great great creative day. Sing your heart out.

Friday, December 17, 2010


Dogs are smart, maybe smarter that humans sometimes. He waits till I am not looking to get into something he knows he is not supposed to get into. And they say don't take it personally. If I am tired I do take it personally. But that is like a little kid and I don't want him to feel my energy getting caught up in his energy.
Let us take a look at energy today. The challenge is to take a look at some of your family members, friends, co workers, other artists. Are there some people that seem to drain you or ones that you could be around all the time. Well, I know that I hide from some energys, crave being around others, Each day may be different. The holidays are upon us and people may be everywhere. People you may not see all the time come around the holidays. You may want to take a look at what their energy does to you and if it is something that you don't enjoy maybe you can allow them to be their energy and not get caught up in it. I am going to take that challenge for sure.

Thursday, December 16, 2010


I am getting to sing one of my songs at the Holiday Show at the Center for Spiritual Living. I thought they wouldn't pick me. I haven't practiced. I wasn't sure how I was going to take it when they told me I didn't make the cut. I made it and now I feel really behind on the practice of the song. Plus the songs for the choir. I am allowing the bigger picture to happen. I am asking the universe for a bridge for my song. I had one but I can't remember it, it has been a year and I can't find the tape of the performance. I am allowing it to unfold perfectly.
Let's challenge ourselves with that today, trusting it all will unfold perfectly. This is also about the coming year. I am looking at what will I blog about next year. Because this blog really has helped me and others to focus on a safe place to create. My family has given me permission to create as much as I like. This is big. Hope your life has changed for the best for your creative llife

Wednesday, December 15, 2010


I must blog, I must blog, I must blog!!! I will get this written so I can work on my song for choir. I missed choir last week and I am sure they worked hard on our song. If I show up not knowing the words or the music I will feel bad. I have been very dizzy lately. Well, it started yesterday and just got worse and worse and I had to go to bed for 12 hours. That isn't that much fun when you aren't sleeping. I tried to write a new song, or think of a huge creation I could make. But must hearing my heart beat irregularly, so that makes it hard to sleep.
Let me get over the negative I am not so dizzy right now and am going to practice my new song.
The challenge for you today is what? To get off your butt and do something. I have to do that and simply say everything is OK right now, I have enough energy to get something done. Even one little thing. Let us get up and go. Right now.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010


Not much fun when you are tired and a little dizzy. That is me today. I did have a great bling at work which is when someone comes in and spends over 600.00. It was a gentleman buying for his dear wife. It was so sweet. Then they sent me home. HA>
The creative challenge today is connected to how you are feeling? How the darkness and severe weather is bringing sluggish energy and or cold bodies. Not much energy going through me for sure. I started drawing a new book last night for kids. I need to draw more it seems I lost my knack. Can't draw a caterpiller. HA. Anyway how is your creativity during the dark cold months? I just want to go to bed.

Monday, December 13, 2010


It will be my very good friends birthday tomorrow I must make sure I give her a wonderful call. Cooper and I got out of the house again this morning. It has turned into a little ritual. I haven't been working much. I have been creating many things around the house. This blog lost it's spell check so I am in big trouble. HA. Decoupage is what I was trying to spell. I had to look it up another way. Well see I bought some yestserday and am wanting to create some new items with that. I will share later. I better load my tree pictures on to my computer. I will do that right now.
I did get the shots on my computer and on this blog. Please write your comments. My upside down tree is something that needs to be experienced not an easy thing to just take a shot of.
The challenge for this 13th day of December is to take a look at where you are in your holidays together. Do you have plans? Do you have the presents? Do you have your recipes in place? I don't. Like I am saying I am decorating and have been having friends over for food. But the exact holiday is not planned yet.

Sunday, December 12, 2010


Yes, it is Sunday the 12th and have had a great get away day. I picked up Cooper and off we went. Got my children's book into the book store. Now I have looked at all of my lyrics and made copies as I am going to draw the story to the words.
The challenge for you is to take a look at your old projects and really take a look at them. Maybe now is the time that those projects are ready for the world. I mean the perfect time. We aren't in control of those things. I say thank you and I look at all the words that have been given to me and I want to share them. I am reading a book about a woman that thinks she writes trivial songs, etc. I read her lyrics. I like them and I see mine are as great as hers.
Thank you...........have a creative day and the new year is coming and I am looking at what I want to blog about for everyday next year. Have any ideas comment on them.

Saturday, December 11, 2010


This is another great day of creation. I had to plan a light lunch for a friend that I have had for over 24 years. The reason I know that is my son is 24 years old and I knew her before I was pregnant. She was my singing teacher and my companion in acting classes in Seattle, WA. What a great long time of friendship and she is living in Eugene now with all of her kids and grandkids. The great spirit of love, joy and giving was on my mind.
The challenge today though is perfection. I am not a perfectionist, I don't think. I see where I wish I was more of a perfectionist. What about creativity that you have to let go of mistakes, failure or perfection. There is no perfection unless it is a branch on the tree, or a weed in the grass. That is how I see perfection. Let us talk about more loving and more perfection tomorrow. I am seeing the perfect blogging creation with the big risks I am taking now. Perfection in the realm of imperfection. That is what I am talking about. I just noticed my spell check is not working so sorry. Love and perfection of moments as they are.

Friday, December 10, 2010


I am so excited about another friend coming over tomorrow. I want to make a really great lunch. She hasn't been here for at least 15 years. I hope she can find it. She will meet Cooper and see all of my great creations. I think I finished the tree. The upside down creation that I fell really really good about. Now I am just doing the final touches and I have to create a meal that will wow my friend.
The challenge for you is to put your friends and family before you and then create a delicious creation for them. My tree is so original I would love to do this for a family or person that would desire an authentic creation using mostly natural items from the yard. Literally from my yard. I did stop by the side of the road near a lake to get red branches. I mean really really red branches. Can you believe it. I couldn't have found those in the craft shop. This is so awesome.
Let me creat a lovely loving meal for my great friend that is doing a meditaion morning before she comes here. I will put that into consideration. Love ya all. Sing fun Holiday songs. I am and I am doing it really loud even in the parking lots. Why? I don't know.

Thursday, December 9, 2010


Hello my dear listeners. This has been quite a day. I have had my dear friend stay over and we put up my tree last night, the upside down one. Then my friend offered to take me out to breakfast and we had the very very best breakfast in a church converted into a great restaurant. The food was so so good. I ate too too much. We then headed out to find some decorations. I wanted explosions of stuff to come out of the tree. The best thing happened we just started stopping on the side of the road and picked up many many things to put on the tree. We even found a red bush with the best color for the tree. My friend built a birds nest for a little spot that was just calling for something.......We got everything else we needed in the yard. What a fun adventure. I do have a few things that aren't natural on the tree. But the natural stuff is the best. The explosions of red, moss filled branches, pine cones, and a few things I did buy at the dollar store. But it is still a work in progress. and I am not putting lights on it. Yet. Maybe later.
The challenge today for you is to bring the outside into your creativity.. It may be for the holidays or just for a little place on the counter in the kitchen or in the bathroom, anywhere. Even on the front porch. It is easy to find beauty outside just try it.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010


Well today may be the day that we will be getting the tree. And the tree may be hanging from the beams. I will show you if that is what gets done. Fun huh>
The challenge for you today is to think out of the box on one creation this week.
Opposites, upside down. crooked, colors etc. Tell me what you come up with. Also my good friend is coming to stay overnight. What a great thing. The dog will go crazy.....

Tuesday, December 7, 2010


Whatever? I mean really this date and time. How many don't even connect with this date. It is the Holiday Season, no matter what holiday that is. How do you feel?
The challenge fo r today is to see if creativity is an issue or money? I have some of both do you? I want lots of lights to surprise the family, I want ribbons everywhere, I want a tree hung upside down from the ceiling with lights and lots of natural elements. I want I want I see I do or I don't , what do you do?

Monday, December 6, 2010


Wanting to get the tree and get it up. I always wait till after Garricks birthday and that was yesterday. But I will have to get it myself put it up myself and decorate it by myself so there. I wanted to get a heating blanket so I can lay out in my meditation bed on the front porch. I realized yesterday while I was at the Bazaar and I really felt better talking to my friend. Yes, I isolate way to much and don't tell what my mind is crazily talking to me. So, what should the challenge be today. I know. To keep wonder in your creative life, I want you to look up something you never looked up before. Maybe it is a beautiful place that you have been wanting to visit. Or a recipe that you may want to make. A new blog website. Bundle up and go outside and do something you never have done before or look at everything with new eyes. Eyes of Wonder. Read some poetry, read a newspaper in a coffee shop or on line. Really something new. I am going too.

Sunday, December 5, 2010


Yes, this month is about birth. Even the birth of my son. Along with the birth of many babies. I am wanting to look at the birth of many things. My changing my ill feelings. Meaning I am feeling ill most every day. My heart beating strangely, my breathing not so good, a weird cough and negative thoughts. I am actually hoping it to be something I can take a pill for. Like my thyroid. Is this too much information? Well, it can be the birth of a healthier me.
Today was the bazaar and I did very very well. Everyone loved all of my great creations. They thought I needed a website with all of my creations. Maybe I will. I kind of do, but I don't keep it up. And you can't buy off the site. But I felt good about all the variety and good thoughts. Two of my children s books are going to be put in the Spiritual Centers Book Store. YEAH!!
My challenge to you is to take a look at birth. Birth isn't always the most comfortable, if you know what I mean? Men know if they have had kidney stones. But I am always wanting to feel good, I don't, I am always wanting others to speak positively, they don't, so I am not living in the moment with what is. No wonder I am not feeling so well. I am looking at birth as a process. It may be positive it may be painful but growing and moving on. What does birth mean to you? In the creative world an the process.

Saturday, December 4, 2010


The challenge for this wonderful Saturday is to ask yourself if you are good at getting started, better in the middle or best near the finish line? Our creativity relies on our own ability to start a project, do the middle and finish it. Some of us get stuck somewhere. I like deadlines. I need deadlines. Sometimes I can do something on my own. check it out.

Friday, December 3, 2010


What is the challenge for this wonderful winter day? What is going on right now? I am trying to stay awake. It isn't even that late but I do like my naps and I didn't have one today. IT is the art walk in Eugene tonight but it is very very cold and I worked all day and have to spend time with the doggie.
OK. the challenge for today is to ask yourself do you create better under stress, or feeling stable, or anger, or sadness. Or all of the above?

Thursday, December 2, 2010


Doctors and needles for Linda and Cooper. I got blood taken and Cooper is getting all of his puppy shots and he gained a whole pound. He is 3.9 lbs now. He is getting so big. I had better put him on a diet. Getting ready for an art bazaar.
I am getting excited. I have more that I thought I did. I noticed I said art not crafts. I hate that word crafts. It seems so trashy, unimportant and without the creativity that anyone that creates deserves.
This is the challenge for your creativity, do you consider it a craft, a hobby or art? A simple question. Yes. I am an artist. That is my choice, what is yours?

Wednesday, December 1, 2010


What a great day for creating. Rain outside makes us seem trapped inside. I call it focused. HA! Did get out to pick up some embroidered towels with my lyrics on them for the Bazaar on Sunday. I need to make some posters that say what these things are.
Let me see. I have things to get ready for an audition this evening. Singing a song that I wrote. What if they don't choose me. Who cares>>> It is about Christmas and I really want to have it get better and better. But I haven't been practicing because I thought I would be gone shooting a movie. Well, no, now I will be singing in the choir and hopefully doing my song.
The challenge for the day is going with the flow. I know I have spoke on this before but even more when it is the time of the season. Things change and what does that do to your body? Do you play a victim? This always happens to me. Or can you have faith that it always turns out just right. I vote for that.