Newest Cooper

Newest Cooper

Monday, January 18, 2010


Ego wants and Soul desires, is there a difference? Yes, I believe there is. My ego is full of false beliefs and decisions I made when I was 3 years old of how this world works. Mainly to keep me safe, to not upset the balance of the dysfunctional home. I really can't imagine a home that didn't have it's ups and downs, abuse, to many rules, not enough rules. Every child is put into a world and has to survive it. They may become pleasers, they may hide who they truly are, worthlessness, not good enough, too good for others, who knows what these young and hungry minds make up.
On the Soul side, I must say we can possibly get into a war of words, ideas and/or beliefs. The soul to me is what nature desired, why you are here on this earth. You don't have to be religious, spiritual or anything like that, but you were born and you are a part of nature, your hair grows, your fingernails grow, you are a part of something bigger than you, or your stories, your past decisions of how things work. There is room for change.
Yes, we make up story's of how the world works. And then oh, my gosh, we keep them into our adulthood. Does that work? Well for me, not so much. Does it serve you? As we move forward into creating we are using the past to create the future. That just doesn't work for me.
The energy on this planet is here to support us, nurture us, take care of us and create what we are here to create. This is what I am saying with, "a safe place to create". We need to do this, have this, so we can create what we are here to create for the good of all mankind.
Challenge of the day is to take a look at what serves you, does judgment serve you? Does inner conflict? Does self doubt? Does past disappointments and expectations serve you? We can learn from things, but reliving them over and over doesn't have to be the path of this day's creativity. I am still on the very stormy Oregon coast and I am taking this challenge.

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