Newest Cooper

Newest Cooper

Saturday, April 3, 2010


I need some inspiration to write my blog. I have been working so much my creative life at home is on hold, or I am just soaking up lots of input to where I can create. I finished my 60 cards. The last 10 I am not as happy with but I can always redesign them. I am getting ready to go to a wedding and a reception, I really like the little outfit that I put together. Creative dressing. I have nothing. I am wondering around the house trying to come up with a creative thought. I don't have one. I am challenging you to ask yourself if you ever do that? Too much work not enough play takes the creative juices right out of me does it you? I get so drained. How does your work life effect your creativity. I know today I created more abundance and creativity in the retail world. So maybe this abundance will allow me to create more. Abundant universe loves my creativity and it brings abundance and love to everyone it touches. I am on that road. Let us say that today and not feel the void of creative thoughts in an already full mind.

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