Newest Cooper

Newest Cooper

Sunday, August 22, 2010


What a day. I have taped and taped and covered and taped. We are painting our house. Getting ready for the primer. It takes a lot of figuring out what you do first for the primer then with the color. I love the figuring out how to tape things by myself. I find it a challenge and I like to find the best way to make it work and since I have never done it before there is a real satisfaction that I can jump in and figure out the best way. I sound like I am repeating myself. Well after 2 days of really weird positions, of the scraping then taping etc. Hands over my head for hours, on a wobbly ladder, glasses off, glasses on. Wow, my body doesn't know which is up and which is down and this afternoon it decided to go dizzy. My dad and aunt used to have dizzy spells, and after my son was born I have had random dizzy spells that I don't really have a common denominator.
The challenge for the day is to take a look at your life and see where you find challenges in creative changes in your life. As we are keeping the same color of our house because we love it and we don't see anyone else have that color we both had to find very creative ideas to make it work. Then the physical dizziness that really put a dent in my contribution. Actually I still did the work, first I got a little mad and then I just pushed through it and figured out ways to make it work with the less dizzy ways. For all of you that read this I truly appreciate it and I do apologize if I don't always have time to proof read.
We are alive, active and in love. Thank you!!

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