Newest Cooper

Newest Cooper

Wednesday, February 16, 2011


What if you get tired of doing something? We all may get tired of going to work sometimes. We may hate doint the laundry again. We may have started a project and it is taking way longer than the original idea. What if you were tired of doing your spiritual practice. I think we get tired of almost everything at sometime or another. In the Buddist tradition you do it anyway. With respect for simply taking the time and effort to maybe sit and quiet the mind. An awareness. You can be aware of the tiredness that you are feeling. The tiredness of doing things over and over or whatever you may be experiencing. Even if it is emotions, even Big emotions. can be the subject of your focus in your meditation. It kind of takes the buzz out of it.
This challenge is to take whatever is in you life right now and quiet your mind and actually see this outside of yourself in front of you like a big screen. Maybe things get stuck in your head. There really is only the brain in there. The thoughts can be outside of yourself like the stars in the sky. The tired is a sensation and we put a label on it. Anger, maybe we are tense and need to exercise but we think we ares STRESSED, or Angry. Think about the sensations and how we label them Oh, that is pain. OH NO I am going to cramp up. The we do. It is just a thought. Just like eveything else in our life. It is all labels, thoughts, taught objects. We were told it was a table. Have fun. I feel better all ready.

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