One Mind, One Presence, One Intelligence. Is that what you believe? It just seems natural to think of the nature of things. Nature makes the seeds sprout, the bulbs grow, the leaves change, makes your fingernails grow, ages you. Now how can you not believe in that creative intelligence. This is the way I am choosing to see it right now. And I am excited about the outcome. If I am a part of this big picture would I rank on it. Do I tell a tree it is stupid or too fat. The birds fly to high and they sing too loud. The waves aren't enough, they just aren't getting it right. HA. Why would I say that to myself if I am a part of this beauty.
This is my mind now. The creative mind. The mind of creation. It doesn't have to have a name, a religion, a face, a body, it simply is.
My challenge to you is to ask yourself, what is your beliefs on how things work in the world. How do you believe things are created? Is there something bigger than yourself that has this nature thing in line? Are you a part of Nature? What is your Nature? Are you your past? Are you right now? Connect with your breath, that breath is here right now and is a part of natures way of taking care of you. You are taken care of and I believe this is the intelligence I am speaking of. Hope this isn't to woo woo for you.......It makes me relax, trust and not get down on myself so much. See how it works for you.
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