Hello my dear friends. I am wanting to go back to bed. Again. I got up and went to church, then ate too much then went to bed. Showered and ate some more. What is with this eating thing. I stuffed it in like I was starving. Was I empty. What was I needing. Nourishment. I have to go to work late tonight and do physical work. Dressing manikins and moving heavy clothing. Now am I complaining or whining? I want to feel good and excited about life. I want to be motivated and have the prosperity hormone. I am going to listen to a talk on this subject. That woman have been trained to not nurture that hormone. And there is a way to awaken it again. I am ready. I know that I used to think Power was angry men. There is a gentle Big Power available to us at all times. So there may be a Big Prosperity Hormone available. Just talking about such great things has taken my whining attitude away and I have more energy.
A challenge I give you today is to see if you can talk yourself out of a mood. What if you were tired, and you started clapping and jumping up and down excited to be alive, would that make your energy move more. What about just reading something that is inspirational. Yes, affirmative talking can change your thinking. I believe there has to be release of old patterns so that you aren't trying to cover up something. You want to totally turn it around. Acknowledgment of old patterns, then connecting to the Big Picture, the Big Life and affirming your place in this Life can make you feel much better. Just like me.....Have a great day. I am affirming that for you and your creativity.
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