Newest Cooper

Newest Cooper

Sunday, October 17, 2010


Normal. Let us take a look at normal. Do we fight to be normal or do we fight to not be normal and what is normal anyway. There was a movie where a young man did the research on normal and really couldn't find it and claimed his freedom. That is what I say. I was telling my new poochie, "you probably just want to live a normal life". Well in our household what is normal. Each day is different each year, month or moment. And that is what is our normal.
lI would like to challenge you to ask yourself if you see yourself as normal? Do you judge normal? Do you want to be special or think you are special? Do you have a judgement in any of these themes. I do and I am asking myself about them and taking a look at what may be done about it. Because some of my stuff is not as freeing and healthy as it could be.

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