Newest Cooper

Newest Cooper

Sunday, February 7, 2010


Super Bowl Sunday!!!! The Who? Coming from the Rock n Roll world in the 70's and still wanting to play Rock n Roll. I now wonder about seeing mature people on stage, it may not be what it is cut out to be.
I love it and at the same time "is it a good thing?"
I want to accept all ages, all forms of art, all of all. Our minds are so jaded on the young, the slim, the rock star look, the rapper look, the models, the this and the that. This human image thing we get into is so ingrained in our minds that I got caught up in it. I want that to be something I can let go of. I know I don't watch the gossip shows like I used too. This is not what I want to be my main focus.
Back to the super bowl and the commercials and the creativity that goes into that all year. Those are always a good look at the scene of the world. Did I really say that? Well, think about it, some people are totally under the influence of these outside messages.
My challenge to you today and to me is to look at the people that we respect, that we see as inspirational, moving this planet in the direction of peace, healing and love. Really, who doesn't want that? Seeing people like Susan Boyl that shocked us all with that voice, after we had already judged her body and attitude. I want to move past the judgments, the brain washing about what we are supposed to look like, what we are supposed to wear, smell like, brush our teeth with. I want to see the love in that person, what they are grateful for, what can I do to serve the world. This has to do with creativity because, what do you want to create? What do you want the world to see of you, of your work. Do we have a responsibility to our world? I Think so. Go forth and create my dear friends.

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