Newest Cooper

Newest Cooper

Tuesday, February 9, 2010


Today lets talk about how things may change in your life and how are you going to move on. I am feeling like, "where did I loose myself?" "When did I give up life and start isolating?" I was so grateful to have acting as my career, because it was a lifetime craft. It was always changing because I was always changing. While all this was changing so was the business. It isn't like it was 10 years ago. It has tightened up, you don't get to go in and audition for the same kind of parts you did years back.
Managers can't get actors in to audition. Casting directors are asking name people to work and not auditioning the new comers. You see the same actors over and over and over because it takes less work, it is a known professional. Even Oscar winning actors are turning to TV. That is where the new comer got to do some of the great shows. This was almost an impossible door to open and you can't even break down the door.
I spent all my money adoring this craft and not getting the reward of actually working. So I was broke and broken. Disappointed and had to move into the dreary weather zone. The winters are the only one that gets me down. So why I am talking about this is, I am down. I know that there are outside things that do get to us sometimes.
The challenge for the day is to take a look at things outside of yourself that may bring you down. Does the weather get to you? Does the full moon? Does not exercising or not getting out into nature bring you down? Grieving a loss is something that may need to be done also. I can let go of the disappointment and grieve the loss of that dream. Now I need a new one. I am on that journey right now. I want to get out there and make something work. The problem is I don't know what that is right now. That is why I am creating anything and everything I can. I need new input and new output. Hope this is something that may make you get in the groove and move. I am moving.....

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