Newest Cooper

Newest Cooper

Wednesday, February 17, 2010


Let's talk about routines. If you have them, if you don't. If you believe in them or if you don't. I have some routines and I do rely on them to ground me, center me and help me seperate my energy from other peoples or circumstantial energy.
I have done this for over 20 years now. I take at least 30 minutes to do a meditation. I get up that much earlier than Ihave to face the day no matter how early I have to get up. If I just have to run someone to the airport I come back (go back to sleep hopefully) and then do my meditation. This inner conversation and letting go has taken many forms over these 20 years. And at the same time it is somehow the same. I use my own voice and music for 20 minutes then I have what I call floating music where I can leave my body and mind to float in a gap. People call it different things, the Gap, Floating, Nothingness, leaving the body. It is where there is pure energy and no objects or thought. It is very freeing and it is something that I have yearned for all of my life. I guess you could say it is an escape. And it is, a healthy one. When I am there i sense that this is where all things happen, in this energy is where creation lives. It is nothing yet it is all. I crave bringing it to everyday life. Where I know I am more that what I made up about myself and all of my possessions. This is definitely a start.
When I was younger I added to that jogging and was quite fit, that and weights 3 times a week. Somewhere in the last 8 years I lost that craving, but I am trying to build up my muscles again and get my heart pumping more. Doing the things to help this magnificent gift of my souls house. I had given up somewhere. I had not cared about living so much. Even with the meditation I wasn't living a full, loving life. I am on that adventure now. Hope you come along.
My challenge to you is to look at your life and see what routines help you, or hinder you. Do you have routines. Like waking up the same time, eating the same time, simple things like that can comfort your day. Your mind and then your soul. Always rushing and not being in a moment can stress you out. Being in your head all the time with that crazy racket can put your body in a tailspin downward. Take a look at what routines serve you, if you need to make a routine to calm your mind. Listen to a certain positive CD on the way to work. Listen to a calming CD that makes you feel in your body, excited to be alive. These simple routines can make life more connected and bring joy, fun and health back to your life.

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