Newest Cooper

Newest Cooper

Monday, February 15, 2010


Today I took an adventure. I got up and asked my husband if he wanted to go somewhere we have never been before. After yesterdays fear and anxiety attack I had doing a script, I had to shake that off. I had to forgive myself. That is what today's blog is going to be about is forgiving. I hate myself sometimes still. I don't want to do that anymore. I still think I am a bad person sometimes. Where do we come up with these beliefs. One of my exercises this week is to really take a look at my beliefs. I made those decisions at a very young age and then kept believing them. That is my story what is yours.
Stories we make all this stuff up and then we make it happen out in the world again and again. I am making a practice of changing these beliefs. Of course I have done this for years and years so why doesn't it stop. As humans we like to suffer. As spirit we don't. I think there may be a choice there.
My challenge today is to take a look at forgiving? Can you forgive yourself when you make a total fool out of yourself? Can you forgive yourself when you have a panic attack or don't do your best job? Can you love yourself even on the bad days? Going out in nature today with someone I loved connected me back to what is important and more real than a panic attack or fear. Thank you for Fall Creek and no rain.

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