Newest Cooper

Newest Cooper

Thursday, March 31, 2011


Hubby wanted a project and we had two indoor ones to do, but I came up with a creation that was outside and guess what. He loved it and it is in the works right now. I created and it shall be done. He thinks it is a great idea. This is a challenge sometimes to bring something like that to the for front. It costs money and it is a big challenge that will change the front of our house. We are both excited. I thought maybe he would not like it plus it costs money. How do you feel about sharing your creations and see what others say about them

Wednesday, March 30, 2011


This is it only one more day of the month. And was I waiting for something? I don't think so. I don't even care that this month went by fast. It went by is what matters. I am alive. With others having health problems it is good to be grateful for our health. I was a little under the weather today from my own self abuse but I am so over that. All I wanted was to feel good and get a good nights sleep tonight. That brings up the challenge for you, do you ever abuse yourself with too much food, too busy, too anything? Well, if you do stop. I did.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011


Cooper in the vets getting his baby teeth pulled. Hope he is alright!!!! I haven't worried about him. I made a point of not worrying. I can put some space between me and my thoughts and that is a miracle. I love it. I also see where I am responsible for many reactions out of people. Are you? Do you take responsibility for how people treat you? You trained them. I trained my hubby, my son, my friends how to treat me. Some of them I am changing that reaction. As my heart opens I can be more responsible for myself and my reactions and actions. You got the Challenge, it is the question...Are You? There take that...

Monday, March 28, 2011


Morning Blog....Morning Blog!!!! IT is almost like a warning Blog!!! Now I will do some Yoga so that I can find something to write about. Well, the day went by so fast because I had to go to work right in the middle of my morning routine. I hadn't checked out the schedule. I hope this is going to work. The challenge to day is to see if you can have things happen and it not change your attitude. I had many things happen and I just went on as I was earlier. Having a very wonderful day. Even though I didn't know I worked, my husband could have rubbed it in. HE didn't but I could have made up what he was thinking and really got all uptight. I didn't. This mindful meditation is working. Thoughts aren't things. They are just that thoughts. They come and they go and they mean nothing unless we give them the believability. Can't do it.

Sunday, March 27, 2011


Yes, it is the 27th and on and on we go. The challenge today is to see what emotions keep coming up for you? Do you have reoccuring emotions around a certain happening? How do you react to it? Do you try and stop it, maybe get mad that it happens, try to hide it, push it down? There are so many ways to react to an emotion. I have had a few today that are very very old and I have allowed them to come up. I have found that to be the healthiest way and to realize that it is simply a habit in my body and mind. It is not somthing solid. IT is very awesome. I am excited that it really isn't real. YEAH!!

Saturday, March 26, 2011


Hello everyone!! A wonderful Saturday and I am thinking of Spring cleaning. I have many lists to write. Why is it when the sun comes out we want to clean up the messes that we made during the darker months. Well it does make sense when I put it that way.
The challenge for you is to take a look at your instincts or natural urges. Are they natural or are they the retail telling us to buy bins and get it together. I don't know what do you think?

Friday, March 25, 2011


Let us begin with the question. Have you ever had your mind explode? Something happens and so many thoughts and beliefs and past experiences come in that you freeze. You are on overload. I have done that all my life and just now noticing it. I could talk or give my point of view on situations because of the paralyzed fear of everything. It made no sense I couldn't get to me. I had covered myself up out of protection for so many years that it was impossible to be in the moment with a fresh current look. This is human nature, it is natural to have a flood of thoughts come in in any given moment. Maybe obsessive thoughts on a subject, he said, I should have said, boy next time I will tell them what I think. Sound familiar. Living yesterday or 50 years ago over and over and over. It is is simply a habit. No problem. The challenge for today is if you see someone you know very well. Even if it is a pet. See if you can give up the past stories and see with fresh eyes. See them with a childs wonderment. I saw strengths in people where I was only seeing weakness or wrongness. My needing to be right. Now these things can be very tiring. I want peaceful energy and create from there. How about you?

Thursday, March 24, 2011


It is the 24th. I kind of couldn't believe it. When I woke up today I thought to myself, "this may not be that good of a day". Why? Because yesterday was an awesome day and how could this day match that. Well, it is not supposed to match, each day, each moment is new and a new experience. So I went with the new experience and then things happened differently and I accepted them and lived in the moment of experience.

The question for you is how do you move through the day? Do you live in how you think it all needs to unfold. Or do you push your way through the day, believing you are forcing through and it is working? Just take a look without judgement. It is very interesting what we tell ourselves. Sometimes we can live and suffer in a day when it is only how we are seeing the day with our veils of past, hurt, anger. etc.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011


I am willing and wanting to write a very deep heavy and intense blog about Happiness. Are you happy? That is the question for the day. Really take a look at how your brain works. Do you think you were born happy? Did that stay or is there a time when happiness seemed to change into something else for you? What do you think will make you happy or happier? Are friends and family more important than money and being important? Many Many happiness questions. I don't wake up happy. Most of my dreams are not happy and then I usually wake up in some sort of bad mood that I have to change into one of joy and peace. How about you?

Tuesday, March 22, 2011


Hello Spring lovers. Yes, we have a whiff of spring today and I am digging it. So not where does that put our creative lives. Do we just want to go outside and play? YES!!! But play can get the imagination and the creative juices going.
This is the question for today. Do you have plans for this Spring and Summer? Maybe some traveling, some building, some Spring cleaning. I have them all. I love it. I am feeling better and better and better. Have a good one dear friends.

Monday, March 21, 2011


Here we go, isn't it the first day of Spring. Here comes the rain. It was sunny for a moment there.
My question to you (which is the challenge) is, do you like to work in chaos or peace. Meaning the creative process. Or are there both etc. I want to hear all of you exciting thoughts on this.

Sunday, March 20, 2011


I don't know what to talk about today. You would think I would run out of talk, or I would choose not to write when almost no one reads my blog. This must not be for others. It must be for me.
This brings up the challenge for you? Do you create for others or do you do it for yourself? I vote for us first and then share. I am making a set of 4 linoleum art blocks and printing them for some of my friends. I will also frame them and give them as presents. They are visions that I have gotten in my meditations. So they are all original. Don't tell them.

Saturday, March 19, 2011


OK. Where is your power? Mine I have given up for all of my life. I allow others to tell their woes and to tell me about all of their issues. And I don't do that. So I am not authentic because everyone has those ups and downs.
The challenge today for you is to ask yourself if you claim your power? Power isn't bossy or mean or getting your way. It is saying what your truth is and not to hurt anyone else. That has been one of my biggest issues. I never want to hurt anyone the way I (believed) I was hurt. So I don't live my life in any sort of a full way. I am shut down and never even lived in a state that I may want to live in. I don't want to die with that being an issue. Let us see. Power is standing up and facing someone even when you know it may not please the other person. People do it to me all the time so I can learn the lesson to just get up and tell what I believe in a given situation instead of it swarming around in my head like that crazy monkey. Take that readers. See how powerful that is.

Friday, March 18, 2011


Stress, everywhere, really or not? I don't think so Stress is in your mind not something that is following you around all the time. You may have bills but they aren't following you around either, so there are moments you can let go of those thoughts. Maybe the challenges of the world bother you, maybe you can't even sleep. You are recreating it over and over and over. But it really is already over and maybe there is a positive thing you can do to make things better not replaying the terror that may have occurred. These are just some ideas that maybe can give you some perspective on anxiety. And of course I always have total control over all of mine. HA!
I am challenging you today to see what your thoughts are on these thoughts. How do you deal with stress? Can you find something to laugh at? Sometimes it is so obsurd that all you can do is laugh. I like that idea. Help each other and help me understand why we our our own worst enemys when it comes to stress. No one can do anything to us unless we allow it.

Thursday, March 17, 2011


Maybe I did miss a day. These days I have a little trouble taking it all in. I feel a little tired. A little stiff and like a need a vacation. I am making things more stressful than it has to be to have a pet? Maybe not.
The challenge today is to be in the moment and take it as it comes. Also be grateful for what is arriving. Now, that is a challenge isn't it?

Wednesday, March 16, 2011


Pain!! Let us talk about pain. It can be there and it can be gone. My dear friend hurt herself in a little excursion and realized anger might have been the cause of it all. It isn't like a little cramp it is a full on can't walk (hardly) kind of pain. It is not fun to see her face when it hits.
Then we ask why? Did we bring this on ourself or the universe? What?
The challenge for you is to take a look at what kind of pain you are having in your body or mind and ask, Why? Is is something I brought on myself by not allowing an emotion or a reality to appear. To accept the who, what and why that we are? I love you all and remember you are a beautiful creation of life even when we forget.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011


OK. Let us look at what is happening in our lives. My life, your life, the doggies life. Well, there is always struggle if we believe that. There is always lack if we believe in that. I am working at having a natural mind which means allowing what happens to happen and witnessing it an not having judgements on these things that I could judge. Other people could judge and they usually do so then I have a judgement on a judgement. Think about that. That is the challenge.

Monday, March 14, 2011


And yet again another month is passing us by. The question I am asking is how BIG are you? Meaning are you playing small? To afraid to the big presence that you were meant to be? My answer is Yes!! Now what do I do with that information. I do not know yet, but I will keep you informed. Love the one your with and that is always YOU!!

Sunday, March 13, 2011


Movie day before the big storm. We actually shot all the shots before the wind and rain came. It was fun. I got very tired. Because we lost an hour last night and then I was up working. Too much work even if it is on a movie. Let us see.
The challenge today is to stay cool and not get stressed out. Easy to say but hard to do huh? Why would I bring that up today? I am looking at a big week and just wished I had time to sleep, sleep, and more sleep. That is all I really want right now. Maybe some dreamland with the sleep. The storm seems to be over. Have a good one!!!

Saturday, March 12, 2011


Being creative sometimes means getting up early. That is it for me tomorrow. Up for a movie shoot. My husband, son and puppy get to hang out. NOt me. This is just another day in the day and life of me.
The challenge for you is to say, what is the day and the life of you? That is what I am all about. YOU!!!

Friday, March 11, 2011


OK. I have been very busy like I had talked about before but without the sickness I am grateful to announce having experience a whole new creative medium. Linoleum blocks. You carve out the light parts and the dark parts stay. It is like backwards for the mind. I loved it. It was pretty kind of strange but I loved it.
The challenge for you today is take a look if you take the risk and try something that you don't even know what is. I have never ever ever heard of this but a friend sent me an email and I chose this class out of all of them and I do love it. Great for you great for me. Love!!

Thursday, March 10, 2011


Self Sabitoge. That is the challenge for everyone today. I woke up really wondering what the heck I am doing in every relationship, every job etc. When the monkey mind makes up so much dischord it is hard to be at peace with oneself. I have been very blocked. My physical therapy session showed that. The sickness, the cough, the work, no creativity. Wow, How do we get so out of hand. Human nature is very strange. I sure hope little squirrels, birds and deers don't worry like we do. Please NO!

Wednesday, March 9, 2011


The challenge today is to ask yourself how busy are you? It seems that all the people that I am around are so busy they aren't taking care of themselves and they are getting sick. I was one of them. I allowed myself to get overwhelmed with other peoples energys and got sick. Now I am suffering for it as is everyone else. I am excited to say that I see the light at the end of the tunnel. Where I can truthfully say many don't see any light they only see more overwhelm, I am taking the time to see the good and the beauty and be grateful. Thank you.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011


I heard today a quote that I loved. "It doesn't make any sense but I love it!" This was a creation that was made from a crib springs. I just loved the movement of creation that made his creation. Where does that come from
This is the challenge of the day. Can you see something in your life that you may have used that really made no sense. Those are some of my favorite creations. This gentleman reused many objects to create art or someting else useful. I want to take a look at that a little more. How about you?

Monday, March 7, 2011


Hello, I know that this is a great day. Yesterday I realized again that I can be loving kindness. And you know what, you need to be that for yourself first. We have it all right now, we are whole right now.
This challenge is for eveyone. Can you actually believe those concepts? I am working on it.
Have a great one.

Sunday, March 6, 2011


I woke up this morning and decided that I have a lot to give and by gosh I am going to give it, even if I have to give it for free. I think teaching acting, etc would be my best bet. And then I got a call offering me a space to teach. I am sure that this was because of a decision that I made. I challenge you to make a decision. See how that happens for you.

Saturday, March 5, 2011


I am missing my dear friends from afar. I have had to think a lot lately because I have been sick. I haven't had a cold for years. And I have had a sore throat and now sinuses are hurting. Let us think of friends today, and taking care of ourselves first of all so that we can take care of others. The challenge is to not forget this.

Friday, March 4, 2011


This is a day of cancellations. I just might have had a mini breakdown that ended up in illness. The breakdown was of no fault of my own. I mean I have no idea how it happened. But I do know I didn't feel grounded So the big challenge is to take that and move ON. Oh my gosh I am trying that right now and I don't eene waht to look at the scren>\? I thinkyou get my message

Thursday, March 3, 2011


What shall I talk about today. I am excited to be singing in the choir today and tomorrow I will be attending a art class. I am excited about being abundant enough to do these things. Meditation on Sunday and just lots of positive things happening right now.
The challenge is to invest in yourself. How much are you willing to do? 50.00, 5,000.00? It is all about investing time and money into yourself and your creativity.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011


Here we are again. I am wanting to talk about being a teacher and being a student. They always say when your ready the teacher will be there. I do believe that things happen the way they are supposed to. Many times I may not even want them to happen. Is that fighting the now? I believe it is. This is the challenge for today. Are you a teacher or a student right now?

Tuesday, March 1, 2011


I didn't write my blog yesterday. IT was the very first day I rebelled and didn't write. I was mad at the world. For only a while. Well, I am over that. It might have been the rain storm that we had yesterday. Today I am being simple. Don't need to make things to tough. I have the kitchen counter looking great. And am working on the dining room table that has collected daily projects.
Thanks for the comment dear friend.
A challenge for our moods is to do something Springy now. Maybe spring cleaning. Plant something springy. I will. Will you?