Newest Cooper

Newest Cooper

Saturday, July 31, 2010


OK maybe I am ready to write my blog. I am tired from traveling and working and then I wanted to be inspired with HGTV and I couldn't get the TV to even work. Then wham finally it worked. After using 3 different remotes. That is so funny. Well at the time I didn't really think it was very funny.
The challenge today is to find a way to get the creativity going. I am tired, I am wanting to simply watch the tv. I am alone again and not feeling very creative.
I am going to go through my creation book and see if there is something that I can make. I am that is my way of moving forward.

Friday, July 30, 2010


This is a great day. Just because it is a day and I woke up. I guess that is a pretty simple way to look at the day. What shall I create today? I will create ease, peace, fun and meeting great people. The sun is trying to come out but I have had so much sun the last few days that it is kind of good that I can't get out in it. They tell you not to use the sun or a tan machine and this year I thought maybe I wouldn't do the sun, but I am tanner than ever. Skin and sun. Just like to look healthy. The challenge today is to simply stay in the moment and move from one space to another. One job or errand to another, one bite to another. Not to rush anything, to simply stay in the moment. Even if you watch some TV, watch and listen, then move on. Playing my guitar and practicing some vocals. I am a singer. While you are moving smoothly through the day declare who you truly are, a creator of your life. Declare it now.

Thursday, July 29, 2010


The challenge today is to be grateful for everything that is in your life, the good, the bad and the ugly. It could all be an illusion and then what would you think? You have heard of a cosmic joke. Stop taking everything so seriously. It could be just a great big joke.......HA HA or LOL

Wednesday, July 28, 2010


What if you never had to worry about money again because you knew you were an infinite abundant being? You are creating your life and your finances! Creating is in all aspects of our lives. My challenge to you today is to expand your mind, your conscious thought patterns and really take a look at that. Even simply imagine unlimited abundance in everything you do and have. I don't mean being the greedy people we can be, wanting overpriced designer clothing and such, which there is nothing wrong with that either, but simply the great living you can have by not worrying about finances. OH, it is a wonderful expansive world when we believe. Let's try it even if it is just for a day to start. I am.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010


I knew 2010 would be an awesome year. Do you think it is an awesome year? The key word there is think. Because no matter what happens in your life, in your hologram you have the choice in what you think. Someone cuts you off in traffic and you think what? !&^#$)(%& or you slow down and breath. Maybe you think that person doesn't know where they are going and you have empathy because you have done that before, or you may think he is talking on the phone and unaware. But do you really know anything about what is going on in that persons mind or life. I don't think so. I don't understand why we are so sure we know what they are doing, or what kind of person they may be from our perspective. We don't even know our life, how can we know theirs.
My challenge for the day is to see how many times you recognize your thinking. And when you recognize it what are you thinking about? Is what you are thinking made up, or is it the truth. How can you know the truth about someone else. We have forgotten the truth about ourselves. This will be fun. I am going to be playing this game today, come play with me... have a good one.

Monday, July 26, 2010


Spontaneity? Yes, that is the word of the day. The reason being I had plans today, they were kind of boring actually but I was ok with sleeping, reading and writing all day, maybe go for one walk. But my husband called at 10:00am (I was back in bed) and said his job didn't have the materials he needed so he was coming home. And we will go do something. I really wasn't feeling all that well today. To Much of everything. But we went out and did some running around and I actually felt better. I was kind of stuck up for a while though. I didn't want to admit I was a lazy dog today.
My challenge for you is to take a look at your ability to be flexible. It seems like I just wrote about this the other day. It must be a pattern of mine. Being a lazy dog and having things change at the last minute. I have been having very vivid dreams, and one could be a book. Should I get that pen and paper out again and write something for woman of an age. It is pretty racy. Woman can be racy and like to read about other woman being racy too. What else is going on? Getting ready to audition at church so I can sing at church on a Sunday with my own music. I want to do that. It is very scary though. I was also thinking of getting an acting school back up and going this fall. Give me something to do. Oh, yeah, I think I am ready for a dog too. Are things changing. I hope so......good night my dear bloggers.

Sunday, July 25, 2010


This is the best thing that has ever happened, well maybe not the best. But the change of computers really does make a difference in what you may be thinking because the natural flow of typing. And the mind set of where you are at the time.
The challenge today is to really look at what you feel when you are with the people that you love, the people you are relationship, with your family. Uncomfortable? Not saying what you really feel? Scared what they will thing? OK. This is really one of the deepest and most transformational works you can do. I read about this all the time. I could write a book on this uncomfortable creative situation and that is why I started this blog in the first place. Now that I am talking freely I don't have any mistakes or miss-spellings because my eyes are closed and I am feeling it.
Trust yourself for just a very short time and listen...If it is a secret I won't tell. trust me I know this!!!

Saturday, July 24, 2010


I forgot what year it was. Wow. I was saying to myself my head is clear, no drugs or booze and I am an infinite possibility and I forgot the year. I wanted to put 2020, maybe I mind traveled to that time. I will be using someone elses computer for a few days so don't know if this will work or not, my blog I mean.
If not I will be writing them by hand and adding them when I get my computer back. I know my secret codes so hope it will work.
The challenge for today is to live in the moment and at the same time expect great new things to happen in the near future. Imagine them popping into your life. Love to hear it and see it. Hopefully I will be blogging tomorrow.

Friday, July 23, 2010


the challenge for today is to take a look at the feelings you have allowed to control your life and see if you just made them up or are they true. Most feelings if we delve into them will find that we really did just make it up. I know I made up things that have tortured my life and I am tired of it and I don't want it anymore. So how do I give them up. I feel the feelings and then announce that I know they are not the truth and I an infinite source of abundance and love.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Today is a kind of weird day. I was so excited about my decisions and plans. Then started on some of my phone calls and internet changes that needed to be made and the day just got tangled up with my husbands energy which was a little frustrated also.
I wonder if it was because we had changed our plans last minute. We were going to pull furniture 0ut and sell it, then we were going to go to the garage and work then we changed and stayed in the house doing internet things. It is hot today and too hot to work outside.
The challenge today is to see how flexible you think you are. Spontaneity is another word that may work. I like to have plans usually but I am pretty flexible if they get changed. At least I think I am.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010


The challenge of the day is to look at your growth in the area of creativity. Are you creating? Are you creating what you want in your life? Are you creating a great life? Are you seeing things appearing in your life like you imagined or created or not? That is the challenge, it is a gauge from where we started on January 1st till now. I want to know, so make sure you tell me all of your growth or where it hasn't' worked for you. I have definite changes in my safe place to create and I hope you do too.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010


Have you ever thought about holograms? What is a hologram and how are they created? The reason I am speaking to you on this subject is that, what if our life was a hologram that we created from our thoughts? I have heard before that we are living in a dream. There are many theory's? Do you have a theory? Yes,
this challenge is to take a look at your theory of life. Is it one of reality in the moment, one of quantum physics? Just take a look at that. One of you create your own reality, or it is fate or destiny or WHAT? I love this kind if talk because we are taking a look at creating a safe place to create. So, be safe, and create.


The challenge is to get into your gratitude. I mean get into it deeply. Everything you have created this whole lifetime. What you have right now. The bills you have. The circumstances you created in your life. You are a very creative person. It is a safe place to create, you are good at it and be grateful every minute you can. Even for the conflict. Maybe you created it and needed it. Thank you I say.

Sunday, July 18, 2010


i need to find something to write that works for what has happened today. A safe place to create. Defining what that is for you? Is that from you or do you rely on others for the safety.
The challenge for the day is who do you rely your life on? All the rules that you were taught, your gut feeling or something else? This is a great big question, a cosmic, spiritual question. So take a long look at it. Love me

Saturday, July 17, 2010


Well, the acting gig is over. The being floozy is over and it was fun. What I realized if you dressed like that people kind of think you are that. It was all adlib and out in the sun with many older people. They loved being taken care off or being seen and heard.
My challenge is for you to listen to yourself and see if you like being seen and heard. It was a really fun day. I had some anxiety over the whole thing last night and this morning but it was all good. I did let go. Have a great Saturday night everyone and look forward to the Sunday that is before us. Just want to feel good, keep that in mind as the evening goes on.

Friday, July 16, 2010


The challenge today is to see if you would answer the call or a call without thinking much about it and go out and be creative. I was called to go out and do an acting gig that is all ad-lib and I said yes. On the way there I wondered what I just did but I did it and it will be fun. It is for a live audience and I am an actress so why not. And I am a floozy so how can you go wrong with that huh?

Thursday, July 15, 2010


Let me see now, I will be writing earlier today as I go to work. We are getting rid of things and it feels good.
They say you have to let go to make room for the new. Most of us are hoarders on some level, even my son admits to that. Do we feel we will never be able to get something again. That is not a great belief to have.
The challenge for the day is to look at yourself and see if you are a hoarder. Or are you totally the opposite. My sister is the kind that gets rid of everything then may want it later. I don't know. Letting go is feeling good, I don't have to let go of everything but some things would be fine. Have a great summer day I will.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010


Beautiful day, beautiful life, beautiful energy!! My challenge today is to make a list of attributes that you desire, that you feel would be to your best live choices.
Look at everyone that that you respect for their choices or attributes in live and then go from there. Put them in a list and and live by them. I am, thank you, life for your input.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010


When you get sick enough of where you are does that give you motivation to move on or does it make you sick to your stomach and want to crawl down a hole. Or maybe you fall down that hole and eat, drink, or spend to much money. What kind of holes do you have? With all of that in mind I am shaking up the challenge for the opposite. With all the situations, circumstances, holes in your life or holes in your thinking I want you to focus on one thing. Yes, just one thing and do it everyday. Think and say. I want to feel good. I feel good. Everything I do today I will feel good. Yes, this is one of the first things you can do to turn anything in your life that may not be the way you want it to be.
Yes, I feel good. NOW!!!!

Monday, July 12, 2010


Listening to Ester Hicks on the Oprah radio show. I am now very interested in what Ester has to say. It is talking about how we create our life, how we create what is around us. A safe place to create, my blog is about creating so listening to these kinds of things. It opens my mind, my vision, the possibilities of vibration creating stuff around this.
I want to tell my excitement about staying in bed until noon and then waking up in a great way, waking up and going with the flow. I have eaten shrimp and grapes. What a wonderful thing. Drinking lots of water and take your vitamins.
I have let go of some of my pain, some of my doubts. Some of the things I have been hanging on and hanging on, I have let go. I am making room for the new. I don't have to worry quite so much, I need to shut up and trust and go with the flow. I went to my studio and got my PA working, I got my electric guitar in tune and played my new son with a PA and electric guitar. I didn't know how to get it to work but I just kept at it. This is the time of day I start feeling uncomfortable and a little lost. I want to stuff something in my body.
My challenge to you is to shut up and listen a little more each day. I am going to take that challenge right now as I am starting to feel uncomfortable with this time of day. I am going to journal about it. It is a life long process to live life and stay connected.

Sunday, July 11, 2010


The challenge I have today for everyone is to imagine that they are on a reality challenge show. Art, cooking, design,,,,etc. Just an exercise in your life. What if you had to create from where you are right now, what you have right now, and who you are right now and on a time limit? It sounds like fun to me. I must think I am on a cooking show as I am cooking and eating. The filling up is still going on. Energy is good from some of the food.

Saturday, July 10, 2010


Can you eat too many vegetables. I got off work early and came home and made 3 different kinds of vegetables and almost ate them all. I went to a farmers market yesterday and got some greens that I don't even know what they are but they were good. I am still eating. Am I empty or something? I wanted to call friends but didn't. I think I need to do some writing and a look at what I am really feeling.
My challenge to you is to recognize what you do when you aren't feeling totally connected or in the moment? You could be upset, hiding your feelings, or just stuffing it down with food. I really want to take a look at that. I am having to take a look at that. I really just want to go to sleep. But am waiting for a phone call. Then relax. Have a great Saturday evening.

Friday, July 9, 2010


This beautiful day is full of energy and warmth. I mean real sun warmth. It does feel good. I am entertaining tonight and that makes me a little uncomfortable. I don't know to feed her, walk with her, sit with her. I will show my house and my art but then I am at a loss. I live out in the country we can't very well go for a walk on a path like everyone else. I am hoping a deer or 2 will make an appearance.

The challenge for the day is how do you do with company? Are you at ease or are you stressed? It is only because of my up bringing that makes me uncomfortable. We didn't have friends over and I didn't have friends until I was in high school and lived a wild life. I will connect and be me. HA. I will try.

Thursday, July 8, 2010


Summer has arrived in Oregon. Friends, Family and get togethers. I drove to see my niece and her combined family so a new husband and 2 step kids. It was a wonderful experience. I drove to meet them on the Oregon Coast and they bought me lunch with all the kids. My great nieces and nephew were there and it was great to see them in all of the growing up glory. I was a little sad on the drive home because that is a good time in life when the kids are where your focus goes. How they are doing in school, sports and their relationships. I never have grieved being a mom who's son is gone and making a life on his own.
My challenge to you is to create the day that you want it to be. How can you change your attitude? How can you move into a good attitude, a good feeling, one that moves you through the day in joy? I wasn't in that great of a mood this morning and had a hard time getting out of bed. On the way to the ocean I was still not very happy or accepting of myself or my life. I started singing and used some of the chants that I have written. I drove and sang positive chants for a very long way. My attitude changed. The breathing, the tones, the words all had a change in my body, mind and soul. I am so very grateful. All of the creating, creating a life that we love. A day that we love, a moment that we love. Love. Let us love, guys. Sing, Dance, and Love.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010


This is my 200th post this year. Only 165 days left. My challenge for you today is to do everything a little different than you do every day. Mix it up. I slept in a different place last night, I went to bed a little earlier. Instead of meditating first I got in the hot tub and went for my walk. Then I had my protein shake and am not going to do my meditation. I am leaving the house to run some errands and maybe write in a coffee shop. I was so upset with myself last night for sitting and watching TV when it was such a beautiful night. I didn't create a thing or do anything. It is such a waste for a good life. Shake it up people. Do it differently and maybe creativity will hit you in the head. I am hoping it will me.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010


Hello dear followers of a safe place to create. I am excited to get my words out in this blog. Summer has arrived in Oregon and many projects have been accomplished and many are in the making. I have my meditation bed in a gazebo that has netting around it. I used it this morning for my meditation and then for my mid-day reading and nap. It is a heaven sent. The deer and my 18 year old kittie came out to stay with me during this warm time. These creatures are a part of my family and I like to think that we are so connected as creatures of this earth we can share the back yard and not be so afraid. I have had a vision that I would like to share with you and see if it is something that may click with you.
It is a table with some very spiritual beings around the table and we took a look at the cards that were dealt to me. The real cards that were dealt and the ones I made up. The real cards I was dealt were wholeness and being perfect. Those were the ones I first saw besides the ones that were fear, doubt, hate, not good enough, not deserving. Then the group around the table and I let go of the cards that I had made up. The non-deserving ones, the ones that make you suffer. Those weren't dealt to me, those were decisions I made at some point, even if it was for my survival.
The challenge or game today is taking a look at the cards that you feel you have been dealt. Are they ones of suffering, sadness, of being a victim of circumstances? Or can you see your life as being on purpose, it's perfection and its wholeness, no matter what has happened or is happening? Take a look, play the game and throw away the cards that don't serve you. Do it, I am.

Monday, July 5, 2010


Yes, it is the 5th already and I have to work. It is a holiday and I still have to work. I don't think anyone will come in but oh well. Saw one of my acting students in a movie last night and was so proud. Last time I saw him I was a broken woman. I am not broken anymore. I was totally disillusioned with the acting business, so I wasn't very positive for him.
My challenge to you today is to see what cards you feel that you got dealt? I looked at my cards and the truth is we are all dealt the life card, the light card, beauty, breathe and we can be grateful. But sometimes we see lack, mistreatment, etc. I say take a look at your cards and rip up the shame, blame and guilt. Keep the cards that are good and play your hand with faith and trust.
Have a great 5th..

Sunday, July 4, 2010


Wow, I guess I didn't get yesterdays posted in time. Happy 4th of July.
Challenge today is to ask yourself if you had the best day ever? Did you enjoy who you were with? If you could paint a picture of the day what would it look like? If you are a writer what would be the title of the day? Love the ones that you are with and move into the next day with clarity and

Saturday, July 3, 2010


I am an artist. I am an artist. I am an artist. I am. Today was so awesome and it is still awesome. I realized I have behavior as everyone else does, but that is not our essence. We are of the land, the law and the love. We are created to create making us all artists. That is why this is such a great day. I went to art and the vineyard, and saw so much great stuff.
My simple challenge to you is to ask yourself, can you embrace yourself as an artist? It that is something that you have already embraced are you an ego based artist or a cosmic, eternal artist? And what do those words do to you? Can you accept them or are they something that you don't even accept? Take a look at the artist in you, through you and of you. I love it...your artist friend....l i n d a

Friday, July 2, 2010


Wrote a song. It was in minutes. I had written down a chant kind of lyric to use as an affirmative prayer and put chords to it in minutes. It was quite nice. Then I tried to record it so that I wouldn't forget it. The first recorder just didn't work. So I got frustrated and went to get the other recorder that I don't know how to really use. I got it taken care of.
The challenge for you and myself is to see how we can use technology to our benefit and not our defeat or frustration. I am so excited to learn more about recording my music and me

Thursday, July 1, 2010


When I woke up I was trying to remember what I wrote about for the first day of June. And I couldn't remember and that is because I never got it written. I talked to friends and then went to bed. So I am so sorry for all of you big fans that I didn't get the June first done. I had an awesome day. Some how I was connected with the universe. A day where everything fell into place, even when I woke up with a flat tire and forgot my phone I didn't let it stop me.
My challenge to you is to see how you deal with things like that. Does stubbing your tow or something that happens early on ruin your whole day? It doesn't have too.