Newest Cooper

Newest Cooper

Thursday, September 30, 2010


I have so many emotions running through me right now and in reality all there is is this moment. I may be over reacting like I have been this whole time with the dog drama. More dog drama. The baby is puking. That is not good. He is so so small and I think he just had too big of a day. In too big of a world, and of course he doesn't know how to take care of himself and we are the one responsible for this little creature.
My challenge today is to see if you have a way to deal with stress and emotions. I haven't felt anxious like this for years and years, and all of a sudden it is hard to get grounded and focused. I want to hear your feedback. I also am curious if this is a possible place to create from. The Drama, the unexpected feelings or anxiety.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010


There is actually a little peace in the house this afternoon. Cooper is resting gently on the kitchen floor without having to be with one of us every minute. This has given me the freedom to recycle and simple things like that.
I had 2 books that are helping me reel this little fellow in. I gave him too much freedom and the world was too big. Who knew? Little mini Cooper is more relaxed and is feeling more comfortable in his own skin and it is making us a little more relaxed also.
The challenge today is to take a look at your life. When I am in a hotel room I create better, because I am not distracted. We are just like the dogs, we get distracted. So a studio, a room that all you do is create. See what I mean. I can get so distracted and never even pick up my guitar. I don't paint, because the floor needs to be swept or a TV show comes on that I must watch. HA> The challenge for you is to take a look at how space can help or detract. That is the challenge my friends.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010


I need to be challenged. I need to have deadlines. I need to be pushed off a cliff. I am not naturally motivated.
My challenge to you is to is to ask yourself how you create the best. Maybe money, maybe a deadline. Maybe your life has turned into desperation to create. School has started for many and that is tough but I would love to be in classes. Art, more welding, glass, beading, metal jewelry, computer programs. I will have to figure out what I can do without really paying for school. If I can get the motivation to do that. Right?

Monday, September 27, 2010


It is kind of late for my blot. I am sorry about that. But as life will have it things change things.
This challenge is to really see things. I see things and then I see them as a table top, I see something as a bottom of a table, this is our challenge today. Love you all...

Sunday, September 26, 2010


The dog has a name. Cooper. Yes, and then I remembered the mini cooper How appropriate is that for a smaller dog. My hubby likes mini coopers too, so it is a win win situation.
Do you believe everything happens for a reason? Even if it is something that you never wanted to happen. Does that mean that our lives are planned or we are creating what we need to learn as we go.
My challenge today is to look at art with this idea. Is art waiting to happen and whoever creates it first it is theirs. That is kind of different from the earlier statement but this challenge is what evolved from those thoughts. Idea energy floating around everywhere and many may get the vision but it is the one who acts on it is the one who actually creates it. Or are you the only one that create what you create. This could mean we create our lives in quite detail.
I wanting you to check out my sisters blog and personas for Firefox. Here is her blog, check my very creative sister out. I love her. We must have created a safe place to create. Here it is I am so proud of her.

Saturday, September 25, 2010


I am still having anxiety attacks. And I think it has to do with my new doggie. I still don't have a name for the little guy. Yesterday he was Rusty, today he is Cooper. Yes, each day he has a new name and doesn't seem to care if he even has one. He loves life. And loves to play. I need to learn from him not be afraid of being held down. The anxiety is about my lifestyle. I could just get in the car and go,. I could work and not need someone to come home. ETC. I am the only one that is responsible for this delicate little life. Enough of that.
Our challenge for the day is to really be in the moment. I haven't been living in the moment because of the monkey mind. The monkey mind has to go. Yes, the monkey mind needs to breathe. I need to breathe. Here we go.

Friday, September 24, 2010


First of all I am going to say thank you for all of your wonderful and insightful comments. I am so excited to find them. Yes, I didn't know where they were. My sister was so sweet to show me how to use my blog space. I don't explore as much as I would like too. I do a just get by situation. That may not be to my benefit.
The challenge I have for you and myself today is to take a look and see if you are proud of your efforts. Proud of your keeping up with the things in life you need to just for yourself. I have a car that the transmission went out after my son drove it for a while. I let it go down hill to the point that there were bee nests in every door. I felt ashamed. I was not brought up like that. That would never had happened with my sister or brother. I am taking on a new way. I feel like I haven't been paying attention to details. I learned this from being around people that I respect and am proud to know. I will learn from others and be proud of myself. If I am not proud of myself who else can be.

Thursday, September 23, 2010


The challenge today is to not have a negative thought about yourself, anyone else or what happens. HA> This should be fun huh?
I think this may be an impossible challenge. But I am going to try and I will change my thoughts if they go into a negative pattern.
I had a few anxiety attacks yesterday wondering how I am going be a pet owner.
I doubted my decision and thus the anxiety. I just sat with it, and reminded myself that everything is OK right NOW. I have to go moment by moment.
The fun thing is making new toys and figuring out how to keep a little puppy busy. While I brush my teeth I stick one of his toys through a handle on the bathroom drawer so he can barely reach it and he tries to get it down.
Creative, huh? Then he likes the noise of plastic bags. so I took an old sock and stuffed it with plastic bag and he can't get enough,. I also put a ball in a sock and he loves that combo too. I tied a chew toy to a shoe string and that is one of his favorites also. Creative fun with Poochie. No name yet. My sister made a persona called the dog with no name. And it is still that way. Thanks sis!

Wednesday, September 22, 2010


I am blogging early today cuz I have an idea to write about. I am creating a new life with the puppie. And the trip to my class reunion and visiting with many rock and roll friends was a real joy. And I came home learning something from everyone. The way they create their lives was fascinating and I am going to incorporate some of that with my life.
That is my challenge to you today, is to look at the way other people created their lives and see which things you would like to take on and what you truly wouldn't want to create in your life. It does go both ways. What you admired in their lives and maybe some things you wouldn't want in your life.
I was inspired by everyone in many great ways. I loved the way people took pride in their homes and kept things up. I loved the way you can sit and relax and talk. I love the care and graciousness of the way they treated me. I will bring more of that to my home. Welcoming, more food for everyone, love and respect. My puppy is asleep right now so I can take time to write. But boy am I tired. I think I need to sleep when he sleeps. Good night. HA!

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

A Thank you to all!!!

I want to thank all of the comments that I have received this last year. I really appreciate the connection. I hope we can connect more often and on a creative level.
I will pay attention to my great comments and learn how to reply. HA.
Well, try too reply. We do create our lives.


The challenge today is to create a way to always ground yourself. To find a way to connect with your creative self. To create. I am so tired and spent from taking care of a precious life that I don't seem to have a clear thought. And you know what? That is OK for right now. But as soon as work starts I have to have a brain. I ground myself in the car with meditation music if I need to mellow. I use rock and fast music to motive me but it still grounds me. So Music is one way that I really work on getting grounded. I am a Pisces and I love water, so water works for me every time. Hot Tub, Bath tub, shower if that is the only thing available. The ocean is the best. Life is good. Hi, big sis.

Monday, September 20, 2010


My challenge for you today is to just laugh at a video or a movie or a memory. I can't help it. I am tired from being a puppy mom and loving every laughing moment. You don't even need to say anything just laugh. I am finding it very me

Sunday, September 19, 2010


Oh my gosh. Am I having fun?! yes I am. I do have my new baby puppy
and he is so much fun. He loves life and it is contagious.
My challenge for you today is to see if you can find something that you love or a memory of a new pet, a new member of the family and see if you can recapture that feeling that you had while watching their exploration of life. My little fellow (which has no name yet) jumped off a two high step onto the cement face first cuz he thought he could fly. It did shock him for about 5 minutes and then he was back to running as fast as he could and falling on his little face. He isn't very tall and the grass would be like us running through a corn field. Yes, we pooped him right out. This challenge is about living in the moment and loving what is right in front of you, then taking a nap. What a great puppy life.....have a good one...

Saturday, September 18, 2010


Hello my fellow creators. Guess what I just created in my life. A Dog. Yes, after years of not having one I found a little cutie pie that I had to get. I haven't picked him up yet. I have bought all the cute doggie goodies and will pick up the little fellow tomorrow.
I will surprise my sister with the puppie. No I will call here soon and tell her I will be visiting with my new kid. How scared am I? I have had anxiety for 3 days now and I am sure it won't stop for a while. I have a very big responsibility now. It is time I stepped into that role again. It will be good for me and my life and the love for the little one.
The challenge for you today is to take a look at your pets or your lack of them and ask yourself why? Are they your best companions or are you without that dear friend that can keep you healthy. Check it out see what you think about loving a dog or kittie, rat, or bird, maybe even a lizard. Not me... I will put up pictures soon.

Friday, September 17, 2010


OK i AM GOING TO CHALLENGE YOU RIGHT AWAY TODAY. What I am finding out is I can surely expand my horizons by listening and being around many different people and really listening and seeing their art, what they like, how they appreciate textures, colors, scenes, etc. So the challenge for you is to really take a look and pay attention to others ideas of art and how they appreciate them and then try and imitate them. See things through their eyes. Wow, I am learning a lot...

Thursday, September 16, 2010


Creating on the spot. I have been asked to come up with some kind of skit for the school reunion of 40 years. It is only a few days away and now they think of it. Oh, well, I said Yes. Don't know what I will come up with but I can trust I will come up with something. HA>
The challenge for you is to think of something that you would like to see at a reunion of some sort. Could even be a family reunion. People love to laugh. We will laugh. I just have to create something. I will keep my idea hat on and it will be created out of the universal energy. YEah!!

Wednesday, September 15, 2010


The challenge is in. Today take a look at your living space and all of your belongings, including cars etc. Would you miss them if they were gone? Would you miss them if you were gone? I am living in my body today and appreciating all that I have. Thank you. You might want to say thank you for all that you have. Not what you don't have......l i n d a

Tuesday, September 14, 2010


I had a revelation this morning about the blog but I then forgot. It was a day with only good thoughts, no judgments. When, there is nothing wrong and you are living in the very moment.
That is the challenge today, no good or bad, just living in the moment. See what happens then. Wow, it is a little different. I love it. Let us expand this next week. Looking back just a little and expanding what we may have thought of then and move into the now.

Monday, September 13, 2010


oh my gosh. I am dressed like winter and the sun came out and it is hot. Well, I will deal with it. I came up with a fun game this morning just to have your mind jump around from one part of the world to another. I came up with smells and weather, etc. So, I went to Alaska and it was very cold, then I smelled Elephant poo. Yes, I have never smelled it really but my imagination did it. Then I was in a very warm climate with the elephant. It was fun. And I made a pledge to expand myself everyday. Maybe that will be next years commitment to blogging.
My challenge to you is to do this fun exercise. See where your mind takes you. I had my eyes closed. The outcome was an idea for a painting. No it isn't elephant poo it was exotic green leaves. I love the rich color I am tasting. See my senses are crossing and new ideas are popping. out. Have a great day my creative friends.....

Sunday, September 12, 2010


Happy Sunday. I already worked and am enjoying some time reading and catching up with the fashion world. I don't know if you know this or not but the Fall issues of the Magazines are really really fat, and they have about 600 pages of fashion. So you really get your moneys worth if you buy one magazine a year.
I had this great quote I read today about art and now I can't find it so I have to use another quote. It is from one of my favorite books by Julia Cameron, who wrote "The Artist Way" And many many more.
"We are healers who journey on behave of society to realms if the Imagic-Nation where we discover images and truths which we then share through our art." I love that. It really wakes up my brain and I want to create something delicious for everyone.
The challenge for you today is to think of something that you could call delicious, it could be words, colors, images, metal, sand anything. It could be scary, sweet, tough, soft, it could be about love or hate. And it could all be delicious. Have a peaceful, exciting evening my dear creators.

Saturday, September 11, 2010


Early challenge. For the whole day, don't judge things. If you catch yourself judging decide to change that. I found myself being judgmental already this morning. What a waste of energy. I am going to go with this challenge as I go through my day. Let it go, let it flow and give it up. Yeah!!!!

Friday, September 10, 2010


OK, I just heard this very very great quote about Art. Art is to advance and/or elevate humanity. WOW!! I love that. When I first started acting, I came to conclusion that since I had the ability to feel many different feelings, I could give the gift of that to others. When I went to a movie and I could feel their feelings it helped me understand my own, and that was the gift that I could give. Well, sometimes we get lost in other aspects and not the true, first desire that was a driving force to that art, that creation. It could be a story that we write from a car passing by, or a building we see as we pass. I have created from both.
My challenge for you today is to ask yourself if your creations advance and/or elevate humanity. Even scary can do that. My preference is not scary but maybe there is something that we are given from those experiences in art. To see our own shadow or others, etc. Have a great creation.

Thursday, September 9, 2010


What a great day. I was disgusted with myself and that really puts a fire under your but. Meaning I actually created some change in my home today with all the anger energy I was harboring for myself. I really will take a look at that. One thing is when I am not a weight that I like I really am not very nice to myself. And I fell fat. I know that is an old story but it still pops up. I was thinking I was happy with my Buddha Belly, and I would rub it. But when I look at other people my age and see even a bigger belly I think I have it good and why not take care of myself. So then I figured out you have to do things different to be different. Yeah.
The great thing that happened was I moved things all around outside and made a new hangout for a bunch of stuff and it is kind of like a fort and it is eclectic and outside under a lean-to that we had to re-roof today too. Then a fence fell down and we had to put it back up. We are putting out little fires until we can re-do it correctly. The creative process was so so fun. I put wood with metal, cardboard with rocks and a hula hoop up as a decoration. It was so fun and I will be making a chandelier that is for the outdoors or indoors.
So the challenge for you today is to mix it up some. Putting things that you don't think will go together makes a really interesting juxtapose creation. I love it. That is where I shine. I put live plants on our pile of stumps. Looks like a fairy should land. Lamps outside, just regally weird stuff. That is your challenge. pick up something and carry it to an unlikely place and see what happens. Have a great night creating and look forward to loving yourself tomorrow. And use your anger to get motivated if that is what you are feeling.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010


Is the month going very very fast for you. I have heard it from many many people. Does that put a bump in your road. I have to catch up. OK, I am caught up. I think it is more of a mind game than real life.
My challenge for today is to take a look at what you have created this month so far. We had the holiday, you may have created a beautiful memory. You may have created some great thing outside. We just put our bird feeder back up and hopefully the squirrels can't get all the food. Fifteen minutes and the birds are already there. I am so glad. I did see some great art today and feel a picture coming out. Yeah!!!! Right now there is nothing wrong and everything seems pretty good. Let us keep our mind on the goodness.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010


OK, I have rewritten this because I don't want this to be dump on anyone and I got my little issue out and I am free.
The challenge for you today is to take a look at how you deal with new things, such as a new job, new roommate, new town, new phone. Can you see it as a new exiting journey of learning or do you see it as wrong, bad and not what you expected or wanted. Going with the flow and finding the excitement of learning something new is a fun game you can play. It is like learning an instrument or singing, you can give up and see the huge trip you may be undertaking or you can move with the flow. We all learn in a different way. Let's have fun with it.

Monday, September 6, 2010


Hello Laborers. We are still dealing with our smart phones. Seems they are smarter than us. HA.....
The challenge today is to see if you can get one thing done or one thing out to get ready for the next week. Maybe a list of things you just have to get done. And that is your creative side also. I need to plan for my new class I will be teaching and some organization can go a long ways right now. Enjoy and relax, let that be another challenge for today. Great family times and yet I have to go to work this evening. Oh, well. Some of the younger workers went camping and we just had fun at home.

Sunday, September 5, 2010


Yes, it is the anniversary of my dear mothers passing, I believe it was 2002. A couple days ago I woke up crying and calling, "I want my mommy". to my surprise was that we were close to this anniversary. I know my sister is having quite a day, she is so sensitive to loss. As I, and I still know they are still here with their energy. Many times I have listened to what I fell are moms words as well as my dads. They are in a place that doesn't have the struggles that we make up, they don't have the lack of love that we may perceive. I have felt this connection for the first time actually with my mom. Bless her generous soul, her loving, giving and forgiving soul. Also her stuffing her feelings on many occasions as not to rock the boat. That is one thing I decided to learn from my mom at the age of 3. We must have made some kind of packed to learn from each others existence. And I believe that mission was accomplished. Loss, that is the challenge of the day, how do you perceive loss, how do you grieve, how do you move on and expand to have as much or more love in your heart. You, may loose a mom, dad, child or pet and then gain a grandchild, an adopted child, an elderly person that you just love. Life is full of movement and change. Loss has to be felt and then moved on to love again. That can be a very creative challenge. Happy Labor day to all and love today. Let it be a Labor of LOVE.

Saturday, September 4, 2010


Oh, my gosh, all the new technology that my husband and I are getting into may be pretty overwhelming. I want to think I can learn and learn but sometimes this stuff just gets pretty overwhelming. We are changing our phone system to android. I think that is what it is. We missed all of the in between and now we are just jumping in over our head into email, texting (we don't even text) so see what I mean. Then we are having a google account that will give us free texting. Who knows how all of this is going to work. Our son must help us.
Yeah!!!!! Now after all of that I am looking at competition in the artistic area.
My challenge to you is to see how being commissioned on a project may feel? Sometimes working for your own creative appetite can be fun and actually relaxing, then to have someone commissioning you to write a book, paint a picture or anything like that can put a big, huge twist on your creativity. Judgement, critical voices come in, the past may take over. Just use your imagination and try and get over it!

Friday, September 3, 2010


Oh, my, I need a challenge for today. Let's see? I do always get the challenges from my own life. So, I need to take a look at what is going on in my life now and what I can challenge you with. Isn't it fun to be challenged everyday. I think so. We could call it stress, or something that we don't want to deal with. But we love to grow, it is a yearning we have, just as a seed has. They have a yearning to live and grow, even under the worst conditions. Like the weed or blade of grass that comes up through the cement. Now, that is a big yearning to make it.
So the challenge comes out of that story. What is your yearning and how much effort are you willing to put into that yearning. It may be to create a safe place for art for children that can't afford it. OH, maybe that is mine. Yes, Art to Heart is for the child in everyone. Maybe the homeless need to have some free art, what if the signs that ask for money, food or work were in color and waterproofed. Just with what you see everyday may be a new way to love, a new way to give, a new way to be. Now, that is a challenge.

Thursday, September 2, 2010


I might have put the wrong date yesterday. How silly of me.
The challenge today is to look at appreciation. Yes, I am in a class and we are making an appreciation journal. We have decided that appreciation is different than gratitude. So what do you appreciate? You know we use those words in our money world. So appreciation can grow for you. Write some things down that you appreciate. I do everyday, and I just use my self talk if I am not around my journal. I appreciate you. Great creating to you.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010


The challenge today is simple and really really fun. Find something you have or you see in a store and create something out of it that it is not. What I mean is like my dining room table is an art piece always. The season, new ideas, blah blah blah. And when I look at table runners which are really cool they cost way to much. So last time I bought 4 straw place mats (i don't know if that is spelled correctly) anyway, the straw runner was twice as much as the 4 place mats and it was the same length. On the table I just gently connected them by touch and they looked awesome and in reality it worked out better. I could turn them in an instant and have them be place mats. This is what I am talking about creation.
OK, the challenge is to create something out of what people think is something else. I actually do this pretty regularly and I take it for granted. And at the same time I am always looking for things to be what they aren't. Back to the dining room table, I use it as an art piece. So I bought a new scarf for fall and guess what. I had it sitting on the dining room table and whalaa it is a new runner for the fall look. So the scarf that I found on a great deal is a much better price for a table runner. This kind of creativity is for everyone, and it is so fun. I am also experimenting on recycling articles into pillows. We can do anything. So, let us get going......with all the creative energy the universe gives us. Affirm your life with your breath. BE.