Newest Cooper

Newest Cooper

Sunday, October 31, 2010


Halloween. I don't have any energy invested in the event actually. I do not know why I don't.
The challenge today is to take a look at what you really want to be in if you could be anything? IT is kind of like Halloween, I really wanted to be a business woman today. The clothes I wanted to buy at work were around being in front of people and being a leader. I haven't had a chance to do that in a long time. I am actually quite natural at it. I do like it. What about you?

Saturday, October 30, 2010


I think that I forgot a blog for a day. Or I got the dates wrong on one of the blogs.
I want to do some research on blogs. I think I am going to do interviews for my blog next year. Have the on camera, or write the interview like they do in Magazines. I had this idea this morning in my meditation. I love to learn how people create. Everyone has their own way and I love to hear how things come to them.
The challenge today is to take a look at what you may be ignoring. I am reading a quick paragraph in a book I haven't looked at for years. The first thing is about taking a look at what we may be ignoring. We disassociate, space out, or go numb.
Another alternative is to experience whatever we've been resisting. Sometimes it is like the Elephant in the Room. IT could be money, sex, addiction, eating, shopping, lifestyle. Just taking a look at what you may be resisting. I know many things that I am resisting and I know I choose resisting over confrontation of the issue. At least I know that. Maybe I can choose differently soon.

Friday, October 29, 2010


I am excited to get this blog done because I have my bestest people of the whole world are here.
The challenge today is to see if you are waiting for something. I may have been.
I am going to visit with my loving friends.

Thursday, October 28, 2010


The Sound of Music.. Oprah had the cast on for the 45th anniversary and I really forgot how much that movie meant to me. It may have been the only movie that I saw as a tween. I went with a kind of friend. She chose me and she had money, because she had a swimming pool and I went to my first sleep over at her house. That was my only sleep over. I have been friend and freedom challenged for a long long time. Hence this blog. Never really feeling safe to create my life and my art. Will I ever be my true being? Will I ever feel safe? Will I ever wake up and feel good? Is there really a way to live and not let everyone and everything effect your energy level?
I am so programed. And that is what I am changing.
The challenge I give you is to find your energy, and see how it is effected by anyone and everyone. This may have much to do with your actual energy in the world and the energy into your creations. Yes, Your Creations!!


Wednesday, October 27, 2010


Wow!! what a quiet day. I like quiet mind days. Tonight might be crazy but I will simply have to deal with that also.
My challenge is to take a look at judgments. In our society we have judgments about everything, from what we wear to what others eat, to how we vote, how people wear their hair. Some of these keep us safe and living a life we love, but many just wear us out. Judging this and judging that, is that good, is that bad, is that right, is that wrong. Who made up the rules anyway. As a society did we create these and they keep changing as we evolve. We agree on some of the reality we live in. Like we agree on trees, grass, water and air. Thank God cuz those are life affirming. Many judgments aren't life affirming. Destructive or constructive. That is the question about our judgments today. Bye.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

This weather is really a big change and I am liking the change for a change. I spoke with a friend that is actually wearing a headlamp and working outside in his yard and loving the darkness. Picking up branches and such that the wind and rain have been creating for us. We have many many needles from our big pines. The rain has been coming at night and not so much during the day. Which makes it easier to move in and out of the car.
The challenge that we have today is to look at the weather coming and the change that is happening with the light and all. Are their things that you may need to get ready for your creative life. Make a cozy warm place to write, a well lit area to draw or paint. A place where you can sit with your computer and do what you want on that. Maybe put a live plant there or something. To remind you of life and seeds. I love to put the bulbs and force them so that I have growing flowers in the winter. I do that every year and they last a very long time. It is worth the money. Try it.

Monday, October 25, 2010


IT is only 6 days till Halloween, is that right? YES!! I don't think I will be doing Halloween outside the house. I will be playing dress up with my puppy. He can be a pumpkin and I can be a princess and then we can switch. Fun!! I have many party's I could go to but I am not wanting to do that.
The challenge today is to make your real life like Halloween dress up. What would you be. I am a biker, artist type. go

Sunday, October 24, 2010


We are the champions, my friend. Remember that song. I love that song because the athletic and advertisment community saw the greatness of that song and that means my son and his children will hear it. When I was young I thought the music scene would change so much he would never hear the songs that I loved. But that is not the case, they are still going strong.
The challenge today is to study the length of creating something. Now, the future, and beyond. Eternity. What happens after something is created? IS it dead? What can happen? Take a look at history and creativity. Storytelling etc.

Saturday, October 23, 2010


Getting many things finished today. Little projects that have been bothering me for months. 2 big piles of clothes, laundry and unpacking from many trips. I have been writing things down that I like. Remember that challenge a few days ago. That day didn't turn out so well, I actually called home and asked my husband if it was a full moon and it was. I was angry and things kept piling up and I really didn't have the patience. So I let go and had a great evening at work. But things kept going wrong or badly and I didn't like it. I was wondering if other people realized it was a full moon by the way they felt.
The challenge today is just to let go and go with the flow. It feels like I have been trying to control people, the dog, situations, the weather, you name it. I am tired. It doesn't help to be creative when you are thinking you are in control. As an artist I need to not be in control, control is boring and not natural. I think natural is more in the moment and not worrying about what others think or how you can stay safe in any situation. I saw the world in a new dimension for a while this morning after my meditation. I let go of worry, of control and just watched and listened. Let us go with the flow.....

Friday, October 22, 2010


OK, This day was a complete surprise as it is sunny. They told us it was going to rain. So I am very grateful and appreciative of this day.
The challenge is to only see things that you like. Yes, I am going to try and put some great likes and loves into my vocabulary this afternoon and evening. There seems to be more dislikes sometimes than likes. I like red, I like yellow, I like glass, I mean I am going with the basics today. I want more likes and loves in my life and this may be a way to do it. I like my paintings, I like my safe place to create. I like the spatters of paint on the ceiling from my creativity. See I am liking more things. Have a great creative day.

Thursday, October 21, 2010


Wondering if the weather change is changing you. I noticed everyone at work was tired or having an issue with their energy. The dog chewed up the old flooring in the kitchen and that is the first time he noticed that. Energy changes and so do we.
The challenge today is to look at the energy in your life? Are you more motivated with the change in weather? Maybe you don''t live where there is a change and you miss it or don't even know what I am talking about. We have had such a great last few weeks, the Indian Summer, and now there is a change that may stick around for longer than we may want. That is the rain, the long dark mornings and early darkness in the evening. I want to challenge you to allow that to work for you. How could that work for you? Maybe you sit quietly and write, or turn off the TV and do something different, you keep in touch with friends and fellow creators. Or you read more, do research. See how you can make this Fall that is going into Winter Work for you and I really want to know what you come up with.....

Wednesday, October 20, 2010


It is the 20th of this month and wow, the sun was shining and I am very very grateful. The storm is coming we hear though.
What storm. The challenge for today is to see if you have ever created a storm that wasn't even there. Yesterday I created a storm in my mind and I couldn't let go of it. I didn't want to talk about it to anyone, but I continued to live in the storm. You know what, I just made it up. I think that needs to be a picture, a story or a play. Yes, I want to write my angst again. When others take my words, my characters and create a movie that gets money to back it, it makes me think maybe I can write. I know I can, I just lost my drive. Let us get our drive back. If the storm comes use the storm to create. Make it a safe place to create thru the storm.......

Tuesday, October 19, 2010


The challenge for the day is to get up and do everything first before you have time to think about doing it. Then it might not get done. HA! Well I am busy can't talk.

Monday, October 18, 2010


I thought I would try and get my blog done a little earlier today. As I do work this evening and all the men will be at home fending for themselves. I do have the 2 new pictures of my meditation bed and my chandelier on the front porch. I want to create some more outside lighting. One maybe for the gazebo and maybe one to sell or to give for the holidays. I love them. They do bring light to everyone also.
The challenge today is to write for about 20 minutes of all the things that you love, like, want and deserve. I want these to be things like laughter, cars, joy, exercise, wealth, friends, joy, songs, music and thing and everything. This will be a safe place to create things that can come to you at anytime. I am going to do this right now out on my meditation bed. Yes, this will inspire me to do this challenge. How about you? Maybe you want a studio, a new computer, a sewing machine. Who knows what you could do with any of those things. YES, Use your creative imagination and the sky is the limit.

Sunday, October 17, 2010


Normal. Let us take a look at normal. Do we fight to be normal or do we fight to not be normal and what is normal anyway. There was a movie where a young man did the research on normal and really couldn't find it and claimed his freedom. That is what I say. I was telling my new poochie, "you probably just want to live a normal life". Well in our household what is normal. Each day is different each year, month or moment. And that is what is our normal.
lI would like to challenge you to ask yourself if you see yourself as normal? Do you judge normal? Do you want to be special or think you are special? Do you have a judgement in any of these themes. I do and I am asking myself about them and taking a look at what may be done about it. Because some of my stuff is not as freeing and healthy as it could be.

Saturday, October 16, 2010


The one main thing about being around puppies and baby's is the energy of being alive. Just the energy of waking up and being ALIVE. I take that for granted to much. When I was young I took that for granted. Now I am taking this age for granted. So much for those thoughts.
I have an unveiling this evening of my outdoor chandelier. My husband helped with the wiring, but I created the chandelier and the design. I love people that can help me create. And I have been working on my harmony for Choir tomorrow morning. That is a big stretch for me. Harmony.
This challenge is to ask yourself if you stretch yourself. Do you play it safe all of the time? I hope not. I want to take more risks and not worry what others think. In the end does it really matter? NO. What matters is what you have loved, how you have lived, and how you have loved. There really isn't criticism or other peoples opinions judging you. Think about it.

Friday, October 15, 2010


People around me are having computer issues. It must be catching. I have to use my husbands computer to do my blog this evening.
I waited until after dinner, after working on my song for choir after watching a show to write my blog and then the internet wasn't working.
It obviously is now but my computer has been put to bed for the evening and I may be there soon also.
The challenge is to stay calm, non judgmental, not accusatory, not anything when these glitches in the systems come about. This can make a safe place to create, if you are judgmental or thinking others are the pain in your system that is just not safe. My great friend call it "them" as if there is an outside entity confusing your system and changing it every day. I don't think so. But what do I know. I am not gonna judge it, I will listen and move forward as best I can. Hope you are doing the same. Good night

Thursday, October 14, 2010


Unconditional love. That is all that I have to talk about or ask today.
The challenge is to question yourself and see if you believe in unconditional love? Is it part of your game plan? Are you included in that vision is your art there also? Are your partners really a part of that or are your faking it? Is there more good than bad? Should there be a percentage? Do you need to walk on egg shells or be true to you? The challenge is BIG it is DEEP, this is something you can take as deep as you want, the further you go the more you will learn. I did.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010


The challenge for today is to take a look at yourself. I mean like look yourself in the eye and what do you see? What do you feel? What would you like to say to your soul, or the little child within, or the parts that don't feel good enough, or the parts or things that you haven't forgiven. Tell yourself how much you love yourself and how great you are.
The day has been pretty good hope yours has.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010


What a morning. After getting up 3 times with the puppy, which is kind of great. I was in the hot tub before getting ready for work and then remembered that I need to be there an hour earlier than usual. So I was quick. Thank God.
My husband called me splurge woman because I have 2 big projects up and going, because I haven't had anything up and going for a while now. So now I see how he may see me and do I care. NO!! I said when you are inspired you need to move or do it.
The challenge of the day is to what? To see if you are a splurge person? Like all or nothing. Do ideas come to you in groups? Do you feel you get dry or have blocks sometimes then wham!!! Whatever happens or how ever it happens is perfect. Don't let anyone else get to you. They don't know how you create. Remember it is a safe place to create that we are creating.

Monday, October 11, 2010


This year has really went by very fast hasn't it? I only have a few more months of blogging commitment. I think I had better start thinking of something else that I want to blog about and get ready for a years commitment. IT really has been something that I have looked forward to every day. I have been working on a couple projects this week. One is designing a really funky chandelier for the front porch. Another is getting a texture product for my next painting project.
Between work, the new puppy and keeping up with clutter I am happy to even have any projects on the burner.
The challenge for us today is to keep the fire going. Take a look at that word fire, I find fire to be a passionate word. To be on fire with a project. Passion is on fire. A spark inside you can turn into a flame if you allow it to. The word for today is accept. Because to allow or accept what is happening in the world will not be as stressful as trying to control things that you can't. That doesn't mean you agree with them but it is something to take a look at. Use your passion to light your fire not to complain or disagree with what is actually happening around you.

Sunday, October 10, 2010


Love that 10-10-10 Yeah!!! Wonderful day right? Well, It is a day and that makes it pretty wonderful itself. I wondered this morning if we have to destroy everything that we have so we can re-create something new. You hear of hitting rock bottom, I think that is a lot about self respect, and at the same time how much of of it has been created by yourself. All of it.
My challenge today is to gauge your own self respect. You own self love and care. Are outside circumstances what dictates your self respect and love? I wouldn't want to die and find out I never connected to myself and nature but allowed the economy and other aspects to define who I am and/or what I do. I would love to say that it doesn't but it does, but I do recognize that it does change my thought patterns. Creativity again we see in our thought patterns. We can create hate, judgments, love or acceptance. You choose what you want to feed. Have a great day, moment and life.

Saturday, October 9, 2010


The rain has appeared and I have seen some attitudes that have appeared also. Some of them may be mine. Not as much energy, not a great outlook for the future.
The challenge for you and me is to ask..."who is control anyway?" Are you in control of your happiness or is it outside of yourself? Is beauty, abundance outside of you or within you? Creativity? Everything, inside or outside?
I looked at my pictures I took this last week and they looked awesome on the camera but on the computer, ah, not so great. So won't be sharing many of them with you. That is totally fine. Have a great creative dream time.

Friday, October 8, 2010


I really got some sleep last night but I am still very tired today. That is just the way it is.
Let us just get right to the challenge. Yesterday was being the bigger self and not the smaller self. Today I am challenging you to take an inventory of how you are each day. Are you happy? are you allowing the world to get to you? Are you true to yourself or true to others? How do you feel when you are standing in a line? When you are driving? Make sure you get enough rest. That is my desire.

Thursday, October 7, 2010


What I want to say is WOW. I think that we are all wow!!!! We are all the expansive humans than maybe we can even understand. I have been given the best days of abundance. I said I am an actor and I have 2 new movie deals. I have spent my last few days simply saying what I am. Not what I am not. If I am afraid I think that God isn't afraid and who am I? I am that, that God is.
I am creation and I shall create.
The challenge today is to think of yourself as the greater self not the small self.
I have had much anxiety lately and it has been fear and it has been the smaller self. Not the bigger self. As we are only given what we can handle. And we can create much more that we even know when we are of the bigger self. YEAH!!!

Wednesday, October 6, 2010


The challenge today is to turn that frown upside down. Meaning take a look at all you have to smile about. I have a friend that had a great loss in her life and I feel the pain of that loss and it actually makes me grateful for what I have now. Things are always changing and there is always loss and we sometimes forget what we have. This is a safe place to create gratitude today. Gratitude now. Gratitude now. Cuz that is all you have is now.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010


Things come and go. People come and go. We grieve, we suffer, we are in despair.
we move on. We are in the moment, we accept the moment and the emotions that come with it or we don't. We can explore the emotions that come with a happening in the moment and see where or when that may have effected us before. I am in a growing, learning, exploring stage. I am afraid. I am scared. I say bring it on. I will stare it in the face and say, you can't take me down. I have been afraid all of my life except for my first 3 years. And that comfort was taken away from me. I have been on my own in my mind all of this time. I am facing these made up fears of mine. I won't say it is fun, I won't say I am doing it very well, but life is helping me put these fears in my face and seeing how I deal with them.
My challenge to you is to take a look at what you may be exploring emotionally and if it scares you, say "bring it on". Now then you have to make it an adventure not a threat to your survival. You will survive or you won't and that is just the way it is. Thrive not just survive. Let us create that adventure into our lives.....YEAH!!!!

Monday, October 4, 2010


What a surprise day. It was a beautiful day so hubby, I and Cooper (our puppy) took a trip to see Sweet Creek Falls, I reallly lovely short mile hike and it was beautiful. I was inspired and I will put some pictures up maybe tomorrow. My main goal was to stay calm and see the beauty around me at all times. With a puppy in one hand and a camera in the other I climbed and did everything I could not to get anxious. A new puppy mom can be really kind of stressful for some. And i am one. Enough puppy talk.
I am wanting to use my pictures to create things. I am not quite sure quite what right now. I was looking for birch trees, we found great birch trees and I got a picture of them.
The challenge for today is to accept what is. Right here, right now. What is?!? Now to maybe read or write instead of watching and depending on the TV. Maybe a bath, that may be nice after lots of riding in a car. Good to be back home and able to relax a little more. Have a good nights sleep everyone. Pictures up tomorrow.

Sunday, October 3, 2010


Today I am going to blog about the change of seasons and the change of creativity. What we did today at our household was to put my meditation bed on the newly stained concrete front porch, then took the screen off of the Gazebo and carried the Gazebo onto the deck. OK, these are big deals. It took 3 of us to make these very creative changes. The Meditation bed on the front porch is more like a day bed/couch. Then on the deck the Gazebo cover is over the glass patio table that makes a place to sit even when it rains. Thank you Creativity. Thank you family for supporting creativity, mentally and physically. I have created a safe place to create and others are creating with me.
The challenge of the day for you and me is to take a look at this change we call fall and see what it may create for you. My sister is already creating great fall personas and I am so proud of her. Love you all.....the artist, the actor, the creator of my life.

Saturday, October 2, 2010


Art is about expressing. Expressing all views, all emotions. Sometimes I stop myself from creating because I am not in the right mood. Whatever mood I am in is a great place to start to create.
Making it a safe place to create all the time in all cases.
The challenge of the day is to create when you are not in the Right? space to create. I mean you are tired, angry, disappointed what about depressed. If we are always wanting to create when we are in the perfect mood we aren't going to create now are we. Writers write, painters paint, actors act, dancers dance, creative people create. So create from where ever you are on your emotional scale.

Friday, October 1, 2010


Oh yes it is a new month. Last month went by so fast. And with lots of weird things that happened.
Art Walk night and I really want to go but I don't want to be tired. I may just go by myself. I need to wash my hair but I really want to be inspired. Yesterday was a pretty stressful day and today is a work day and now I really want to see what people are getting inspired with.
My challenge to you is to ask yourself have you went to see others art work lately?
I haven't I really need the inspiration. Thanks...