Newest Cooper

Newest Cooper

Thursday, March 24, 2011


It is the 24th. I kind of couldn't believe it. When I woke up today I thought to myself, "this may not be that good of a day". Why? Because yesterday was an awesome day and how could this day match that. Well, it is not supposed to match, each day, each moment is new and a new experience. So I went with the new experience and then things happened differently and I accepted them and lived in the moment of experience.

The question for you is how do you move through the day? Do you live in how you think it all needs to unfold. Or do you push your way through the day, believing you are forcing through and it is working? Just take a look without judgement. It is very interesting what we tell ourselves. Sometimes we can live and suffer in a day when it is only how we are seeing the day with our veils of past, hurt, anger. etc.

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