Newest Cooper

Newest Cooper

Sunday, February 27, 2011


Oscars. Yes, it is the Academy Awards.
The challenge today to ask you was there an award that you inspired to get? Do you even think you really could have gotten them? I did. I really was headed that way. And I gave my focus to family and that may have been an excuse but I love my family and I committed to a marriage and had a son and committed to that also. Those were my main causes. What about yours?

Saturday, February 26, 2011


Happy birtdhay dear sister. The cold is still here and it seems to run right through you. I got caught naked outside this morning. What fun was that. I had to go to the front of the house with my towel on. Oh, well, I did get in the house. A fluck board fell and locked the sliding glass door from the inside. I thought the front door was locked but to my surprise it wasn't. It is all good.
The challenge is to ask yourself if you can keep on doing things for yourself when no one knows about it. I mean and go on and on. Or do you need outside confirmation? I am wondering that about myself. The affirmation of someone else noticeing you have lost weight or have more muscles than before or your outlook on life is fresh comes as a good thing. But then there are the things we just do for ourselves. I want to take a look at them and make them some sort of sacred time. The Intelligence of the Universe knows we are doing these things. Whether we label them good or bad. We are not alone.

Friday, February 25, 2011


Oh, my!! Just remembered it is my sisters birthday tomorrow. I have to get a card off to her online. My day was all about Light!! Because the light outside was so bright today. The snow is gone but the sky was so bright with the clear blue. This day gives hope and creativity a boost.
I haven't driven for a while with this cold weather.
Challenging us today is an easy fix. Yes, a can of spray paint. I am adding a color to our living room. IT is really fun. I did a music stand and a wicker basket and then I can see if bigger pieces of furniture with this color will add to our room. What can you do with a can of spary paint. My best on your adventure. My dad used to love to use up the paint so we would find very weird things bright yellow as he had a little left and wanted to paint something. Maybe I take after my dad. I did get a real poer painter for my birthday, so I am getting ready to move up to the big boys. YEah!! Have fun everyone.

Thursday, February 24, 2011


Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow!!! Let it ice, more ice and more ice. NO!! I am so blessed to not have to go many places today or tomorrow. I need help!! I need plastic surgery!! I am just old looking. Inside I am not old. Isn't that the real issue? I remember my mom looking in a window as she walked by and saying, "Who is that old woman?" Her young giving spirit was inside this aging body. Now, I am in that same situation. And I don't think that I am dealing with it as well as my mom did.
Another thought, do you ever see that you may be before the curve? This is the challenge that I am giving you in this new world of a safe place to create. I have always thought of things before others, I really don't have the drive to actually give one idea the 110% that it may need to move it forward. I have a belief tha I wasn't born with that. I have learned so much about actually changing your DNA. Meaning what you believe you were born to do, what you were born into, what your experiences have given you a view. These views may be very false. But you have decided they are true. NOT TRUE!!

Wednesday, February 23, 2011


This has been a way long day. Got up before 3:00 am and worked 10 hours not with a 2 hour lunch and then the hour drive each way. But it is for peoples health and that is important and I do love it.
The challenge for today is to look at the financial creativity we have created and the time that we may need to heal from all the financial creativity?

Tuesday, February 22, 2011


The challenge today is to face the day after a great day. Wow, maybe I am coming down from the Birthday Rush. I had an awesome day. Thank you all of my friends. Just think about it.

Monday, February 21, 2011


What I want to talk about today is making a pact with yourself. Making yourself the number 1 in you life, because if you don't you are cheating everyone else of your greatness.
I am writing a pact for this next year of my life. As I have in this blog I need to commit to taking care of myself, in many ways. Health, Mind, Spirit. In my life if I put spirit first the other things fall into place better. I have meditated for 20 years and believe me not everyday is the same. IT is totally OK. Just by taking the time to do the meditation is a practice. You have to practice to be good at anything. The challenge for all of us is to ask yourself what you practice. What would you like to practice something? I have to give myself credit for the things I do practice. I practice connecting (meditation) I practice my singing with choir, I practice sharing on this blog daily. I am in consideration for this blog of the year commitment. Adding a new focus. take care. And Happy Birthday to ME!!

Sunday, February 20, 2011


The day before the big day. The birthday day. I was born at 2:05 in the morning. A friend of mine said to set my alarm and set an intention for the rest of the year. So I think I am going to do that. I guess I need to figure out what that intention is going to be. The other thing I need to decide is whether I am going to change the focus of this blog.
The challenge of the day is to ask yourself what you do special for your own birthday. You for you. I learned a long time ago you can't depend on others to remember or do what you want them to do. Next year I am planning on a big birthday and I am planning it with women and not men. So we will see how that works. I could just give up and fall into the pattern I have been in for a while and just not have hope for a great prosperous fun future. I kind of gave all of that up and thought I would just be sitting in this house in the rain the rest of my life. I am giving that up. I am going to go for a conscious life, an awareness, give up judgements and labels. Or at least recognize when they are happening. Health is important. Exercise. Wanting to be more active and open to more people. IT is already starting so I need to keep it up for this next year. Come along with me on this journey of a larger love, a larger bank account and more people in my life. Thank you so much for this future. See I feel better already. I may need to blog in the morning not later. HUH??

Saturday, February 19, 2011


I have a quote that excites me and I want to share it with my creative friends. This is from the book "This Thing Called You" by Ernest Holmes.

I know that the Divine Spirit is operating through me now.
I know that I am not limited by anything that has happened, or by anything that is now happening.
I am entering into an entirely new set of conditioms and circustances.
That which has no limit is flowing throught my consciousness into action.
I am guided by the same Intelligence and inspired by the same Imagination which scatters the
moonbeams across the waves, and holds the forces of nature in Its grasp.

See what I mean? I was given a song (that I wrote) that is called,"We're all made of the same stuff" And I believe we all are. The mountains, birds, trees and me.

The challenge for today is to ask yourself what are your beliefs about the mechanics of the world, you body and all living things? Do you think they have the perfect Intelligence. I do.
I am planning on changing my blog a little for the next year from my birthday on. I will add to the safe place to create by saying Making every day count. (Or something like that) As I have not decidrd yet. Give me your thoughts.

Friday, February 18, 2011


OK, For the writings I have found from years ago I am still dealing with the same old same old. Not loving myself enough, not trusting myself enough, trying to hide from life. Is that the human condition? I would like to hear from you on this. Suffering, blah blah blah.
I felt so so good this morning I just felt totally clear and focused. As the day progressed I got stressed and then my shoulders were around my ears and I couldn't come down. I finally did, cleaned out a closet and got bags ready for the Goodwill. One thing that I did find that I want to share is this little ditty that I found next to the same writings of not liking myself so much. This is what I found in a workout coat.

In the stilness of a child's heart
And imagination, all things are possible
The breath of creation in each moment.
Sticks marking mansions in the sand
With invisible walls to an eye that cannot live this life.

I do love it when I find gold in the rubble. Maybe that is the idea. The meaning. How many times do you have to write something of negative nonsense or release negative thoughts to create something. As I challenge you to take a look at this, look at what you have created in the negative times and what may have came out of it. What about the golden threads that are mixed in with the darkness. I have an idea that that is what this blog is about today. I have worked hard today cleaning up messes and getting rid of many items that I have never been able to let go of and yet it wasn't enough. Until I wrote this blog and see that it can't all be gold. But to treasure the gold and allow the other to go to the Goodwill. See it will turn into gold in their world. Have a great weekend. And I will be seeing you tomorrow.

Thursday, February 17, 2011


A full day. And after I wore a bright yellow shirt while I did my dancing workout and then the sun came out. I am so excited. The challenge to day is to do a stream of consiousness. That is an exercise that everyone can do to see what we they are streaming throught their brain and out into the world. You know your thoughts do move out into the world and create a path. What some people say is things are going to happen to you and the difference is you can deal with them unconsciously or consciously. I choose the last. I am examining what I hear in my head, where it came from. It is usually a story I made up. A judgment I have or a label I give an action or sensation. Think about it. Creating a world with love and peace and safety goes right along with this blog. Have a good experince in you own mind.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011


What if you get tired of doing something? We all may get tired of going to work sometimes. We may hate doint the laundry again. We may have started a project and it is taking way longer than the original idea. What if you were tired of doing your spiritual practice. I think we get tired of almost everything at sometime or another. In the Buddist tradition you do it anyway. With respect for simply taking the time and effort to maybe sit and quiet the mind. An awareness. You can be aware of the tiredness that you are feeling. The tiredness of doing things over and over or whatever you may be experiencing. Even if it is emotions, even Big emotions. can be the subject of your focus in your meditation. It kind of takes the buzz out of it.
This challenge is to take whatever is in you life right now and quiet your mind and actually see this outside of yourself in front of you like a big screen. Maybe things get stuck in your head. There really is only the brain in there. The thoughts can be outside of yourself like the stars in the sky. The tired is a sensation and we put a label on it. Anger, maybe we are tense and need to exercise but we think we ares STRESSED, or Angry. Think about the sensations and how we label them Oh, that is pain. OH NO I am going to cramp up. The we do. It is just a thought. Just like eveything else in our life. It is all labels, thoughts, taught objects. We were told it was a table. Have fun. I feel better all ready.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011


The challenge today is to be a warrior. Not a warrior of anger or false power. But a warrior of love and compassion. I was reading that warriors need to have a broken heart so they can understand and give the empathy and love that is required to make a difference. The wounds make our art, our stories, or songs, or movements. The broken heart allow it to breathe and move through the pain that will make you stronger and the warrior of creation that you have always craved. The emptiness is gone. The Power is on. Go for it Warrior. Remeber the Peaceful Warrior, now that is what I am talking about.

Monday, February 14, 2011


Happy Valentines day everyone. I know I enjoyed my day just telling everyone to have a great day. I worked and people were getting gift cards and were getting ready to go out on dates. That was fun. A big storm is hitting and sometimes a storm brings up stormy feelings.
This is the challenge of the day is to take a look at weather and or seasons and how does that effect you emotionally? Of course that translates into creativity. Sometimes, winter brings some darkness and some darker creations. Then when spring comes we really get new ideas. Just like the springing up of the bulbs. How great is that. New ideas, New projects. Love it.
Have a good one.

Sunday, February 13, 2011


I just realized I hadn't written my blog for the day, so I am listening to the grammys and writing for all of my awesome creators. I will make this short as I have had a long day and am having a little trouble focusing on what I need to. Or what I think I need to focus on.
Hence the challenge for the day, not focus, but the grammys. If you were a musician or a singer, songwriter. What would your image be? Create the musical you. What would you wear and what kind of music would you sing? Be outrageous, like Lady Gaga. I am already thinking about my way out there ideas. Fun to think outside of the box. Maybe you are a singer that sings for dogs. Who knows, let us try something NEW!!!!!

Saturday, February 12, 2011


It almost the love day. IT is my friends birthday tomorrow. I need to make sure I get in touch with her. She is one of my friends from my rock n roll background. We were rock sisters. We had birthdays together while my bands would play in large arenas in Seattle. What fun We met in the bathroom and had the same necklaces on. The fairy ones from the 70's and now they have come back. We were the fairy girls.
She supported my creativity for years. She has been living quite far away and haven't had a chance to see her in years. I think I get busy.
The challenge for this Saturday is to think of a friend that you may need to get in touch with. Maybe someone that supported your creativity or just a great friend that you keep thinking about but haven't seen for a while. This is reaching out and it will give your heart a big boost.
What would be more apropriate (spelling) for valentines day.

Friday, February 11, 2011


Almost Valentines day. Have you done anything for that holiday? Have you created anything for your lover? That is the challenge for today. A safe place to Create means creating loving gifts from you creative side. Last year I cut a heart out of metal in welding class and put it on wood with red netting sticking out iside the heart for my lover. That is my hubby. It isn't too late to make special desserts, a special dinner, a pillow, a card, whatever you can think of to create. Hope you have some great ideas and some great results. Here's to you!!!

Thursday, February 10, 2011


This has been a long day but a very productive day and I am still going. Less food more energy. Now I know why those people like the living style of hardly any calories. I finished my children's book. I am so excited. I started to judge the drawings then after I copied them with the words it actually looked OK. I did put myself through much more work than I really needed too. I stapled it together and it had extra pages from the printer and I also bound it. The I looked through it and found the blank pages. So I learned a lesson. Check it out before you staple and bind it. HA! I made much more work for myself.
That would be the challenge for the day. Have you ever either been in hurry or didn't check something and gave yourself more work than you needed? Well, if you haven't be careful and check things out. That is my advise for the day. Take it easy and have a good nights sleep.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011


I had a day off. It was filled with many little projects that need to be done, maybe needed to be done for a year or so. Little piles that develop out of not really seeing. I know by my bed, books started piling up. Papers started piling up. Yes, I am a clutter monster some times. I have filled a goodwill bag, and hopefully I can fill a few more. I really haven't cleared out many things since I have gotten back from LA three years ago. A good way to make yourself work is to pull everything out of, say a closet, and put it on the floor. Then you have to pick it up. Well, you don't have too, but it gets me very motivated. Goodwill here we go. I may take everything out of one of my closets tonight just to get motivated.
Your challenge today is to take one pile of mail, of clothes, of books, or something that has been there and it may be clogging your creativity. It could be just dust, or bills that aren't paid. Take a good look and do one thing and then notice how you feel. I think I will just go ahead and do some more organizing and getting rid of stuff. How about you?

Tuesday, February 8, 2011


Oh MY!!! What a wonderful day to be alive. Because it may be the only moment that we truly have. May not even make it throught the day. I think I may look like an idiot today. What is that about. It is about age. I looked in the mirror of what I have on and I may be dressing way younger than I am. I wonder why I do that. I love dressing like this and I haven't found another way to dress that is comfortable for me. I think that that will have to be the challenge today.
That would be do you think about the way you dress? OK. Do you care? Do you not care? Do you have an image that you are looking for? This is a very creative question. Because everyday we have a chance to look another way or to try out different looks. I am doing my hair different today. Mainly because it is dirty and I don't have time to wash and dry it and write songs, and blog, and work on my children's book and take the dog out for walks. What ever. I am having a blast doing it all. Be in the moment and be in life. That means life is prosperous and very beautiful if you just look around.

Monday, February 7, 2011


A whole weekend of meditation and finding out that we are not our thoughts. How great is that? That is what I got out of it anyway. And now to do the practice it is a whole new community that I have entered. There are many little communities out there. Like runners, joggers, weight lifters, quilters, writers, couch potatoes. Spiritual communities, intellectual, opera, rock and on and on and on.
The challenge for you today is to take a look at all of the different communities that you may belong too. Maybe you need to add one or maybe you need to rid yourselves of some.
Take a look at that. Thanks........l i n d a

Saturday, February 5, 2011


Sunday's challenge. To take time to simply become aware. I was in a meditation event today and it was about non-meditation. Simply awareness. I think I talked about Monkey mind last night. So this awareness helps you control the Monkey Mind. Who is the boss anyway? Now that is the question. Have a great Sunday and see you on Monday.

Friday, February 4, 2011


This is Saturdays blog, just in case I don't have time to get it done in the morning. Have a good one.
The challenge today is to see if you can undercover the basic good in you and stop the monkey mind. I will write more about this later when I have more time.


The challenge for today is to see if you can keep your own energy. I am working on that every day.
I am feeling better and better with loving myself, through food, exercise and thoughts. Getting ready for my birthday. Coming this month. But who knows what sign I am any more. HA>
Have a great day. The next few days may be really short blogs as I am doing a Buddist retreat while Cooper and hubby bond. Have a good one.

Thursday, February 3, 2011


I am gonna talk about boys and girls. The difference in how they approach things. One thing about boy dogs is they like to mark their territory and that is not fun fo us. Maybe grown up boys do that also just in a different way. Woman usually look at instructions and many men don't. That is simply my expereience, not any judgement at all, only observations. It is quite curious. Boys, I have had it. Girls rule. Boys drool.
Thank you for this beautiful day and the challenge is to ask yourself how you feel about boys and girls and the differences.......theres many. Have a great day and it isn't a day to put in a faucet.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011


The challenge today is to take a look at your eating habits. I have been eating less and trying to change from dairy, too much coffee, food that may be more acidic. I am feeling much better. My mind is clearer and I have more energy.
Happiness can be something that is altered by food also. Just take a look. Is sugar your friend? I don't think so. That is a simple question with any of your food. Is this your friend? Have a healthy day and happy day.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011


Breathe, that is the challenge. Then breathe deeper. Then go deeper. Let the stale out and the new in. Breathe in life and Breathe out illness. Breathe in love and Breathe out fear. Do this all day, all week. All your life.