Newest Cooper

Newest Cooper

Thursday, September 9, 2010


What a great day. I was disgusted with myself and that really puts a fire under your but. Meaning I actually created some change in my home today with all the anger energy I was harboring for myself. I really will take a look at that. One thing is when I am not a weight that I like I really am not very nice to myself. And I fell fat. I know that is an old story but it still pops up. I was thinking I was happy with my Buddha Belly, and I would rub it. But when I look at other people my age and see even a bigger belly I think I have it good and why not take care of myself. So then I figured out you have to do things different to be different. Yeah.
The great thing that happened was I moved things all around outside and made a new hangout for a bunch of stuff and it is kind of like a fort and it is eclectic and outside under a lean-to that we had to re-roof today too. Then a fence fell down and we had to put it back up. We are putting out little fires until we can re-do it correctly. The creative process was so so fun. I put wood with metal, cardboard with rocks and a hula hoop up as a decoration. It was so fun and I will be making a chandelier that is for the outdoors or indoors.
So the challenge for you today is to mix it up some. Putting things that you don't think will go together makes a really interesting juxtapose creation. I love it. That is where I shine. I put live plants on our pile of stumps. Looks like a fairy should land. Lamps outside, just regally weird stuff. That is your challenge. pick up something and carry it to an unlikely place and see what happens. Have a great night creating and look forward to loving yourself tomorrow. And use your anger to get motivated if that is what you are feeling.

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