Newest Cooper

Newest Cooper

Wednesday, September 1, 2010


The challenge today is simple and really really fun. Find something you have or you see in a store and create something out of it that it is not. What I mean is like my dining room table is an art piece always. The season, new ideas, blah blah blah. And when I look at table runners which are really cool they cost way to much. So last time I bought 4 straw place mats (i don't know if that is spelled correctly) anyway, the straw runner was twice as much as the 4 place mats and it was the same length. On the table I just gently connected them by touch and they looked awesome and in reality it worked out better. I could turn them in an instant and have them be place mats. This is what I am talking about creation.
OK, the challenge is to create something out of what people think is something else. I actually do this pretty regularly and I take it for granted. And at the same time I am always looking for things to be what they aren't. Back to the dining room table, I use it as an art piece. So I bought a new scarf for fall and guess what. I had it sitting on the dining room table and whalaa it is a new runner for the fall look. So the scarf that I found on a great deal is a much better price for a table runner. This kind of creativity is for everyone, and it is so fun. I am also experimenting on recycling articles into pillows. We can do anything. So, let us get going......with all the creative energy the universe gives us. Affirm your life with your breath. BE.

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