Newest Cooper

Newest Cooper

Monday, February 8, 2010


I am wanting to show you my first years in Rock n Roll. Hopefully you can go to this site and see the pictures of my first bands out of high school, when we traveled all the time in an old school bus with a VW bus welded on top. We traveled with a monkey, 2 dogs, 8 people, we slept in bunk beds that were built in the bus and our equipment was towed from the bus.
We would park at KOA campgrounds and such. So the bathrooms were outside and the showers were cold. I cried almost everyday. You could think, WOW, a rock band on the road. Well, you were really close to everyone 24 hours a day and they may not have the moral values as you, or what ever. It was really tough for a girl like me that was almost raised as an only child the put into that situation of closeness. I really think the other girls were more sexually experienced than myself and it was somewhat of a culture shock.
I am writing about this because, I love music, music is still a big part of my life. It is inspiring, it is creative, it gets me in the mood for many things. Working out, meditating, movies and music, you name it it puts you in moods, it can change how you are looking at things.
My challenge to you and to me today is choose 3 different types of music that put you in 3 different moods. This is something we can use to change our thinking, our moods, it may motivate us out of a slump. We sometimes forget what music can do until we watch a movie or a song comes up on the radio and we change as soon as we hear it. Figure out what music you need to have on hand for those moments of doubts, fears, slumps or anything that may come your way.

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