Newest Cooper

Newest Cooper

Wednesday, February 10, 2010


You know when you write a blog everyday sometimes it is hard to think of something new to say.
I am going to talk about an exercise that I had to do in a class. Write down what a perfect day would be like.
First of all I really thought of sun, ocean, peace and stuff that I really am not having right now. Then I thought of what I really have right now. I have meditation, my hot tub, not always having to be in a hurry, leisure time, etc.
So I had to take a look at what my brain is doing to me. My brain is sabotaging me and not really enhancing my life as it is right now. This was kind of a shock. I really got a little depressed when I couldn't think of my everyday life as perfect. Especially if I put exercise in there and good food. And I do do those most of the time. It is my brain that has a problem. It is the addictive behavior of bad thoughts. They say in AA, something about not wanting to live in the mind of an addict. Well, I see this behavior in everyone. I think the difference may be that not all people allow it to lead their life, or they are just people that complain all the time about what they have no control over. That is an addicts behavior. Anything that you constantly do over and over, you have some kind of hangup or issue with. The world doesn't work the way you want it and get over it. Celebrate the differences.
My challenge to you is to ask yourself, what would be the perfect day for you? Do a couple different days, one in your home, and your town, then do one more on a vacation, then one more big big fantasy day. I have done 2 but I am going to do the Fantasy Day one. Maybe this will help me find a vision for my life. I like new adventures, new locations, seeing new things. Being around energy of get up and go. Well, let us get up and go.

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