Newest Cooper

Newest Cooper

Monday, December 27, 2010


Looking forward to the New Year. What do I want in that new year? I don't believe in resolutions but I do believe in commitments. Like this blog was a daily commitment. I thought of wanting to write a book next year. A little everyday. Don't know what the book will be about. I also want to publish my Christmas Song. Don't know how to do that and the song needs a bridge. I wanted to work on this blog and maybe make a book out of it, with the challenge everyday, of course it would need editing and I am sure I repeated challenges since there were 365 of them. I want to remember the magnificent creature that I am and not abuse it. I want to respect my health a little more. I definately want to love more. Accept more. Allow others to be who they are and not have it effect me. Not worry so much, not stress out over things that I have no control over. Take more risks. Not sit and watch HGTV so much. Pick and choose the shows that I want to see. I would like to not make little piles all over the house and put things away a little mre. I am not asking for much am I. The other thing is to live in the moment a little more and not live in old beliefs or old habits.
This morning Ithought of letting go and I thought, Not Again. Well, we have to do things over and over and over. We breathe, we eat, we sleep, we clean up, we have to do everything over and over and over, it is just the way this world works. so Letting Go of old ways have to be done over and over too. So no need to get disappointed that you have to do it as a practice. That is what any practice can keep you focused on the positive, the good, the movement forward. I must have had a great night of sleep and some time to allow my new year thoughts to come to me.
The challenge for the last Monday in 1210 is to give yourself some time to allow next years desires, wants an inpirations to come to you. Take a bubble bath, go for a walk, do a meditation. Whatever floats your creativity and you feel relaxed enough to have things come to you, not force it on yourself. I think that is why resolutions don't work. You are forcing them from the outside in. Have your new year come from the inside out. Your heart, your emotions, your crazy ideas, your desires and even your wants. Wanting to feel better or have more energy is not a selfish want, want, want. It will give your friends and family a better you.
Oh, Yeah, I want to laught a whole lot more. I take things way to seriously. How about you?

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