Newest Cooper

Newest Cooper

Wednesday, December 29, 2010


I am wondering what I want to talk about today. What shall I challenge you with and what shall I challenge myself with? I am not sure right now. I have it. I have a bunch of questions that I am asking myself and others. Here is your Challenge for you and your partners.
1. If you had no worries about money what would you do? Make a list.
2. What if you didn't use money as an excuse?
3.What are your biggest fears right now?
4. Are there any regrets in your life?
5. Are their any grudges, resentments or misconceptions?
6. What about expectations?
7. Do you believe in Miracles, Magic and Magnificence?
8. What are your wishes, hopes, wants?
8a. Do you believe you deserve all of these great things?
9. What would you tell your younger self with what you know now?
10. What is your intentions for the new year?
11. Do you want to laugh more? Not take things so seriously?

These are just some things to look at, not that there has to be resolutions.

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