Newest Cooper

Newest Cooper

Thursday, November 11, 2010


OK. I have had a learning day. A good day. A day to stay focused on what is important, which is things you love, people, puppies and yourself. Got to do a couple things for myself that I haven't given me that time for a while.
The challenge is that of self care today. Do you believe that your body is your temple? Do you abuse your body with stress, lack of sleep, too much food, or not enough nutrition? In these days and times it is really hard to find a balance in anything. You are working, your not working, you have money, you don't have money, you are creating, you are not. With the darkness in the air, taking a little special care for yourself may fill you up with creating a love for yourself, which will create love for more that yourself. You have to start somewhere. More creating with light in my future. What creativity is in your loving future? Do something good for yourself, even if it is a hot shower, or reading a book you have been wanting to get into, or a magazine that has been sitting there. That is creative stimulation for you.

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