Newest Cooper

Newest Cooper

Tuesday, November 16, 2010


I am very nostalgic this afternoon. I met with an old friend that I haven't seen or talked to in years and that was a pleasure. Some nostalgia there, then Oprah had Barbara Streisand and Robert Redford on. I had no idea those films touched me so deeply. Maybe I want to see some of them again. What else is going on in my world. Hearing about creative lives and how they go along, with raising a family and paying the bills and then one day you wake up and you have lost your youth and your passions or dreams aren't there. Where did they go? I have written about my disappointments in the Acting Business, and that is just as it is in many of the Arts. How do we know what is next? How do we get a spark going again? Find something that gives us a reason to live a reason to love and a reason to create.
The challenge that I am giving you today is to fall into the void. Instead of pushing forward or feeling full. What about the vulnerability of not knowing. The void of nothing that is a really new feeling when you have a passion, when you have a dream. The void can be expansive and not a dark hole. See what your void feels like?
All I know is right now feeling nostalgic I really wish I could take a hot bath, start a fire in the fireplace and put flannel cozy clothes on and simply cuddle up. Maybe even watch a movie that would make me cry (some more)! Well, I don't have a fireplace that I can build a fire. I can go out in the hot tub and dress in cozy flannel. Being quiet and not pushing sounds good. Just Being!

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