Newest Cooper

Newest Cooper

Friday, April 2, 2010


OK, how much do you believe in abundance? I think I have had a tough time with that exact idea. I limit myself, I have attachments. Do You? I am hearing the news in the background and they are filling us with the story of lac, and not abundance. At work today I did an abundance thought process and I had an amazing morning in retail. I had mentioned that I had done an abundant dance as a joke. I really did do that but they don't need to know that. I even had drawn a picture about how abundance comes out of you and touches others.
Tend and befriend. That is the hormone I am trying to connect with. That is how women can bring prosperity back into their lives. And I believe we are having a trend of Women really learning how to be abundant with caring and cooperation not aggression or adrenaline that has been a male way in the business world. We will crush them, we will blow them out of the water. Many women took that philosophy in the work world, but it actually goes against their natural flow. How do you feel about this?
My challenge to you is to see how you feel about abundance? Do you believe the TV and then stop the possibilities of greater and greater abundance for you and your family? Well, for the first time in my life I believe in the goodness of abundance and that it has never went away. The thought process of the nation and the corporations have created this lack. Nature isn't experiencing lack. Trees, grass, plants aren't in this cycle except where mankind may have put their foot prints on life. How do you feel about this? Do you hear yourself closing up around abundance? Can you go with a natural flow not a media flow? Just take a look.

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