Newest Cooper

Newest Cooper

Wednesday, January 6, 2010


O.K. so today hasn't been the explosive goodness I have seemed to be having in the new year. I woke up a little on edge, or you could call it angry.
Remember hormones, weather, food, and rest can influence your moods.
Hormones had a big influence on today!! I put one drop of testosterone (my natural ones) on my body last night. More as a test than anything, because previously I have had bad dreams, sleepless nights, aggression and not the benefits I was told would happen. The benefits were more energy, stronger sex drive, leaner muscles, who wouldn't want that right?
Well I woke up in a bad mood, angry, frustrated, pretty much ready to punch someone out.
Is this how men feel all the time? WOW!!!
So with the daily activities I was given today and my hormones & aggressiveness attitude I was a little reluctant to have a lunch date with a new artist friend. We are actually creative partners now through a small, quick get to know each other in a singing situation, (neither of us are actually singers), anyway we had so much in common it was scarey. And it gets even weirder today.
Birth: She living a parallel life the same as mine. While we shared more of our personal history it was past normal coincidence. Her siblings were 10 & 11 years older than her, mine were 11 & 13 years older than I so we were raised somewhat like only children from age 4 or 5. Her middle brother went into the Army at 17 and was shipped to Germany and so was mine. O.K. That was weird enough so I thought her brother could never do the strange thing my brother did in the Army. My brother was a mechanic in Germany on Tanks. Well, her brother was too. That is when goosebumps, tears, and we both hit the table at the same time with our hands. It was like TOO MUCH!! How weird is that?
These kind of happenings really make you take a look at "meant to be meetings, fate, universal energy, synchronicity, coincidence or a presence larger than us knowing more that we do. You can call it what you may.
WOW! I guess I had quite an amazing day after all!!!
My Challenge to you is to really take a look at your life and see how many things happen in a realm of WOW, I really can't believe that happened like that, or we just met on the street, or she called right when I was thinking of her. Take a look at that. That is part of creating.....have a great dreamland time because that is a great time to create. Take a notebook to bed with you or a tape recorder, some of our best ideas come to us in dreams. Twilight was written from a dream and the author had never ever thought of Vampires before the dream, she hid it from her husband for months out of fear he would think his wife, the mother of their children was writing about something like that. Let the creation be given to you to create.....DO IT!!


  1. Life is full of little miracles that pass us by unless we are open to allowing them into our lives. The answers, support, inspirations come in all forms and they are there every day. It takes being focused to stay positive and in a state of allowing instead of resisting. Every time we have negative feelings of any form we are resisting. My biggest obstacle in life is allowing that resistance to be present in my life. Some times the "What Is" envelopes me too much and sends me in a panic of grasping at anything outside of myself to find my way back to a feeling of being safe. That all will be okay. Then I have to find a way to bring myself back home to me. Knowing that all is well right where I am. Those small unexpected moments in the day...a conversation with someone you may not even know...give you the momentum that hope offers. God's little angels? Sometimes a stranger can say one word that inspires and uplifts. Today I am choosing to hear, see, smell, touch only those things that uplift and inspire. I am choosing to see the good and not allow the negative to penetrate my being. It seems that it shouldn't be hard to be happy. It should be easy to choose happiness over despair. Why then do so many of us walk around in despair and fear when the flip side would bring us so much more? Today I choose to be happy and see what manifests in my day and the people that cross my path. I will look at it as an experiment of life.

  2. From some of the most respected eastern teachers see suffering as being one of our biggest obstacles. After I heard that it did make since. The patterns that we choose, the things we seem to latch onto are of fear and/or doubt. I believe the ego as compared to spirit, nature, god, higher power or whatever you choose to call it is life itself and when we doubt life we are suffering. I know this is true for me. Thank you for your insight my dear.
