Newest Cooper

Newest Cooper

Saturday, January 30, 2010


Oh, my gosh. It will be February soon, I can't believe it!! But for today I want to talk about stress, stress and the body. I have been seeing people crumble from stress. And that is not really crumble but become crippled. This is not fun for anyone. I know I have been there. I believe my scoliosis became much worse under stress and at an older age. It was so bad at one time I couldn't get off the floor.
I am seeing how stress has been changing peoples body's in my life right now. I saw it coming with my boss, I even told my husband that she was going down hill, you could see it in her appearance and you could hear it in what she talked about and how she saw the world treating her. She turned the outside inward and really got caught up in it. She can barely walk, barely make it to work and she doesn't look so good right now. I know...I have been there, done that.
I have come to know that my stress is energy caught inside of me. Whatever I don't want to deal with, or what I don't want to feel. The flow of energy that is natural gets stopped by our fear, our doubts, stress or what we perceive as stress. This energy needs to flow like a river. Even if there is a big rock in the river it will flow around and over it until it turns to sand. That is nature. But if you totally stop the flow you turn into the rock. I see it over and over. We don't want to feel, we believe we have it under control, we can deal with it. That is all well and good but on some level you have to acknowledge that it is there and then let it go, let it flow. Stuck is stuck. Flow is flow. I don't know how else to put it right now....
My challenge to you is to see where you flow and where you are stuck. Really, stuck is stuck. It may be something you don't want to deal with, or feel but you are stuck because you can't see the bigger picture. You are not that! You are life itself and not the stuff we get so stuck on.
Go out there and flow...Go and Flow.....And I will take a look at this myself.

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