Newest Cooper

Newest Cooper

Friday, January 29, 2010


Touch this life as you will by Linda Burden-Williams

Touch this life as you will,
Let the barriers and prison walls fall,
I lay down my weapons of words, thoughts and beliefs.
I release all control.
I breathe my body's breath of swirling energy.
I confess of not knowing anything.
The nothingness is what takes shape.
Out of whispers creation appears.
It is what we perceive as something.
Where a spark explodes into existence.
This is creation at it's finest.
A gentle nudge of love for all.

I am just taking what is given to me in my morning meditation. It has been a while since I have heard, or I have listened closely enough to hear what is happening in me.
These days have been filled with many new ideas. I am doing 2 to 5 different things at once. I flow from one thing to another. From painting to metal to wood, to my guitar, to writing. This means I have created a safe place to create. To have this safe place I still have to go with the flow of outside energy's, whether it be a person. a phone call or the mail. Then slip back into the flow. Not an easy thing to do. But I am working on it. Because I want my life to be about creating not just stale old energy and patterns that don't serve me anymore.
My challenge to you is to see what makes you flow, what stops your flow, if you are interrupted can you get back into the flow. This is my challenge and I want to make it yours. Good Creating.

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