Newest Cooper

Newest Cooper

Tuesday, January 12, 2010


My challenge today is to focus on anything. What is up with that? I meditated, did my morning pages, worked out, drank my morning shake and still in a funk. The winter rain made way to sunshine and still in a funk. What is a funk? There feels like some emotion that I am not dealing with. It is like I don't want to sit down and make friends with this nagging feeling. So in the midst of not wanting to deal with it I am not in the moment. I am in an uncomfortable dance of the hidden feeling and me wanting to keep it put away. Who wants to feel anyway? Who wants to be angry? Who wants to cry?
I had a great day yesterday and many things manifested for me. I got a part in a movie I auditioned for. A producer called me and said we were doing another movie in the summer. My friend wants me to brainstorm with her on a new website. All good things right? Then today slam, I don't feel good about much of anything. I am not laughing, can't focus, feel tired and not motivated.
A challenge, that is what I need. I challenge you and myself to pick up one mess that has been growing for a few days. Maybe your mail is piling up. Maybe your dirty clothes need to be put in the laundry room or better yet in the washing machine. I will clean up my bathroom. Shoes, workout clothes etc. are everywhere. I will do this and consciously explore what I am feeling, or the feeling I am hiding. Maybe it is in the mess I haven't picked up for a few days.

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