Newest Cooper

Newest Cooper

Thursday, January 21, 2010


Why is today so important? Just because it is. We are co- creators of this day, we are living in this day. And you know what? That was not what I planned to write about but I just listened to what was coming out.
I had an art date and it was great and it went by way to fast. I had a painting that I had started a long time ago with this wonderful new artist friend and then I was faced with having to finish it. Guess what happened? Fear, doubt, it won't be right, I can't do it, I don't know how to do it. But the good thing was she talked me down, take a deep breath, just relax, what do you do well?
Well, from my last blog I don't do straight lines to well even if the tree needs to be straight. I have more of a dancer kind of line. That advice gave me permission to do the dance. We looked at the picture from afar and saw I was trying to make it perfect and straight instead of dancing like I do.
So my challenge is "Can you even see what works for you?" Do you need a trusted friend to help you see your greatness and not what you see as your faults (there are plenty that will pick out your faults and I am sure you are good at being your own worst critic). My friend was there to shake me up out of my regular ideas of how to do things, or how to look at things and made the picture work. It is one of my best paintings have ever done and I am very proud of it. I challenge you and I will challenge myself with the question, "Can you accept what works for you, even though it may not be the way you thought it would be, or how you think it should be?
I think the main focus here is how does the mind talk get in the way? A safe place to create has to be safe in your mind, with the friends you choose, hopefully your home and family. I am going to take a look at all of these places because today is a day to celebrate, a day to create, a day to live. Love Me

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