Newest Cooper

Newest Cooper

Thursday, March 11, 2010


Good morning world. I just got up hours before I really needed too. I hate when that happens. I love my dreamland. I have a new phenomenon that I love. I call it dreamland. I have 15 minutes dreams for hours early in the morning. And they are like little life scenes, I am always amazed at who shows up, what we say and do. My imagination is quite active. I have always dreamed but these are almost instant and I almost have some control. They have given me many ideas. And most of the time I remember everything or almost everything and can use it in creating in this realm. My husband doesn't dream much. He is a much heavier sleeper than I. I also have become a moaner. I love a soft moan with my breath going out, it is like a sigh, and it releases and grounds me, relaxes me and what a great thing when you are in bed. Except you bother anyone else that is in the area. So I have changed to just breathing deeply and imagining I moan a sigh out. My husband is a moaner, my son is a moaner and now I have taken on that trait, with modifications. Remember the Cone heads, we are the Moaners.
My daily challenge is for you to think about your sleeping routine. Do you dream or not? Can you remember your dreams? Has your dreams every given you a creative idea? The book and movies Twilight was given to the author in a dream, and in her wanting to remember the dream she started writing. She even hid it from her family as the subject matter seemed so bazaar at the time. I have songs come to me upon waking, I have titles, words, pictures, all sorts of things come during sleep, upon waking and through daily meditations. You are to take a look at your life and see how this works for you. There is no good way or right way, just take notice. You may need to keep a voice recorder or notebook and pen by your bed. I make myself write things down cuz you won't remember in the morning, even when you think you will. Sleep Well, dream well and create.

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